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Car Wash Business Advice: 7 Reasons Why a Steam Cleaner Should Be Your Next Best Friend

7 Reasons Why a Steam Cleaner Should Be Your Next Best Friend

Car Wash Business Advice: 7 Reasons Why a Steam Cleaner Should Be Your Next Best Friend

Many car wash business owners are becoming more and more interested in offering steam cleaning services in their day to day auto detailing services. True, there are also groups that are hesitant to try but they will start to think otherwise when they hear what a steam cleaner can bring their car wash business. Read on and find out more about this amazing car wash equipment.

Why Your Car Wash Business Needs a Steam Cleaner

1. It Satisfies Customersโ€™ Needs

According to an article published by Entrepreneur magazine entitled “Tips for Marketing your Service Business”,ย ย in order for your service business to maintain its lead in the market, you have to make sure you offer value to your customers. As a car wash business owner, your first and foremost duty is to effectively clean cars. Your steam cleaner can help you accomplish this. Steam cleaning can thoroughly clean the exterior of cars, the interiors and even the engine.

Steam Cleaning the Car Engine

Car enthusiasts and car owners are now beginning to realize the value that steam cleaning their car engines can do to the overall health of their cars. Among the most common advantages of steam cleaning car engine are lower incidence of engine fires and easy identification of leaks.ย  Thus, steam cleaning can extend the overall life of your vehicles.

Cleaning the Interior

While ordinary cleaning methods can do what steam cleaning can do in the interiors of the car, steam cleaning has the advantage because it can cleanย hard to reach areas. Your steam cleaner with all its attachments can help clean even the farthest folds and cornersย of your upholstered seats. Plus, steam can be used to clean all types ofย car upholstery.

Cleaning the Exterior

Since steam cleaning does not need harsh chemical components or vigorous steps like sanding or scraping during detailing, you can be assured that there will be no damage done to your carโ€™s paint. On top of this, you can also give your customers the best cleaning assistance when it comes to more delicate paints like matte or metallic finish exteriors. These need a specialized but delicate type of cleaning that a steam cleaner can provide.ย Even the doors, door handles, windows, etc. can be cleaned by steam cleaning. You can be assured there will be no marks and streaks left behind by traditional cleaning methods.

All ofย the aboveย can add value to your auto detailing services offered by your car wash business, thanks to your handy and reliable steam cleaner.

2. It Cleans and Sanitizes Car Interiors

Steam cleaning not just cleans but sanitizes car interiors

Steam cleaning not just cleans but sanitizes car interiors
img src: pixabay

According to a car forum of,ย ย your car cabin is as dirty as a toilet seat. This is where your steam cleaner can be an asset to your car wash business. Steam cleaning will not just clean a car’s interior but will sanitize it. The combination of the action of steam particles and high temperature is what makes it powerful in minimizing the spread of diseases caused by pathogens. ย According to Allergy consumer review, steam cleaning in general canย destroy mold spores, germs and bacteria, etc. This is perfect for family vans and company cars. You can specifically target car rental companies and let them know you do more than just simple cleaning. You are sanitizing their cars!

3. It Can Bring Down Production Costs

According to, ย steam vapor cleaning can achieve better results than conventional cleaning techniques and the process can be done at much lower production costs. This is good news for a car wash business owner. Labor costs are brought down because time is reduced to get cleaning done. You can also scratch chemicals ย or detergents off your supplies list. Another industrial cleaning equipment manufacturing company, also mentions that steam cleaners can reduce water consumption by 50%. As what the website quotes, โ€œLess consumption, less runoff, and less waste = LOWER OPERATING COSTS. โ€œ

4. It Can Help Increase Productivity

The profit of your car wash business can depend on several factors. At the end of the day, the more cars you have washed in a day, the more likely you will have more profit. Thus, it is important that your systems are efficient. Your steam cleaner can help you clean more cars in a lesser time frame. Thus, increasing your overall productivity. And to top it all off, it does not diminish the quality of your cleaning.

5. It Keeps Your Staff Safe

One of the responsibilities of a car wash business owner is to make sure his personnel are protected and safe from work hazards and risks in the performance of their tasks. Steam cleaning methods in your car wash business is a safe way to keep everyone from being exposed to harsh chemicals and other toxicย cleaning compounds.

However, donโ€™t be too excited! According to, steam is created when pressurized water reaches 212 degrees. ย This can cause personal injuries or burns. Ensure that proper steam cleaning guidelines are used in your steam cleaning services area. Be sure the staff handling the steam cleaner is skilled, trained and aware of basic troubleshooting techniques. Make sure proper gear is used when operating the steam cleaner.

6. It Allows You to Keep up with Trends and Customers’ Demands

To keep your lead in the car wash industry, it is your duty as a car wash business owner, to keep up with trends and whatโ€™s new in the market. According to an Entrepreneur article, “Think trends!”ย Steam cleaning is a revolutionary system that is changing the car wash industry. Most businesses nowadays are going green. Offerring steam cleaning services tells your customers that you are a responsible car wash business owner. ย It shows you are concerned about water shortage and other environmental issues.

7. It Reinforces Your Companyโ€™s Mission and Vision

Steam cleaning is an eco friendly way of cleaning cars efficiently. This further proves that your company is not just a money making venture but a car wash business with a purpose. Your mission of cleaning cars withoutย harming the environment in the process is put to practice. Remember that your customers are not just patronizing your services but the brand that your vision and mission stands for.

Indeed, it is high time you get a steam cleaner to be a part of your car wash business. The reasons enumerated above are just a few of the many ways this equipment can help your auto detailing shop.

Want to know more about car steam cleaning? We will be glad to shareย our vast knowledge and expertise when you become on of our franchisees. We are one of the best car steam cleaners, and we love to partner with you!

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