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7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Car Wash Blog

Why You Need Blog In Your Car Wash Business

7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Car Wash Blog

In this day and age, a website is almost a prerequisite when youโ€™re starting a business. Chances are, you already have a website for your car wash business. But do you have a car wash blog? Without a car wash blog, you are missing out on a lot of marketing opportunities for your car wash website and consequently affect the profitability ofย your car wash business.

What Is a Blog?

WordPress defines “blog” as an abbreviated version of “weblog”. It is a term used to describe websites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. There are generally two types of blogs: personal and business. A personal blog is a mixture of a personal diary, opinion posts and research links. A business blog, on the other hand,ย is a corporate tool for communicating with customers or employees to share knowledge and expertise. Most businesses have blogs today because blogs give them the opportunity to grow in terms of social media presence, brand awareness, and even ROI.ย Indeed, a car wash blog can greatly boost your customer base and should be an integral part of your social media marketing strategy.

7 Benefits of Having a Car Wash Blog

1. The Car Wash Blog Helps Establish a Strong Online Presence for Your Business

As a start-up in the car wash industry, one of the challenges you face is letting people know that you exist. The good news is a car wash blog can help you get found by customers easily online. According to the infographic by, 23% of internet time is spent on blogs and social network and 77% of internet users read blogs. As a result, 70% of consumers learn about a company through articles rather than ads. ย Blogs therefore are low-cost marketing investments. Every article you post is a long-term asset that helps build peopleโ€™s awareness of your car wash. Whatโ€™s more, it can also create free PR for your car wash! If you do an awesome job, journalists and other businessesย will see you as an industry expert. ย You may be requested for interviews or events.

2. It Helps Drive Traffic to Your Car Wash Website

You might think that a website is enough to generate awareness of your car wash business. However, your website probably has just a few pages which you donโ€™t update very often. HubSpot explains how it works: every time you post an article on your car wash blog, there isย one added indexed page to your website. This then signalsย search engines, like Google, that your website is active. It alerts them to check what you have published that they should surface. ย In a nutshell, every new post is an opportunity for your car wash website to show up in search engines. The more blogs you post on your car wash blog, the more traffic will be directed to your website. Thus, your car wash blog is one of the many ways to targetย more potential customers.

In this regard, franchisees have a lot more to gain since they can link their own car wash blog to the main blog of their car wash brand. Most often, these are established blogs and websites that have a lot of following.

3. A Car Wash Blog Demonstrates Your Expertise in the Industry

Another obstacle your new car wash business must hurdle is competing with car washes that have been in the business for a long time. Your competitors can boast of expertise they have acquired through years of experience. A car wash blog is your way to introduce yourself to your target market as an authority on car washing and detailing. You can write informative and interesting content that people can refer to when they have car wash questions and worries.ย Your car wash blog can also feature new trends in the car wash industry.

4. A Way for People to Know Your Car Wash Business Better

A car wash blog gives you a unique opportunity to share your voice and personality. Also, it is a great place for you to tell your car wash businessโ€™ story. Sure, your car wash website gives information about your business but a blog is a better way for you to show your personal side. Through your car wash blog, you can provide more insight into the passion and philosophy of your business and your employees.

5. Develops Your Thought Leadership

Your ownย car wash blog will also make you think deeper about your business and sharpen your business focus. It will force you to be on top of the trends in the car wash industry, your competitors and your market. Moreover, it makes you a leader. It will also help you develop your social media marketing strategy as it will be a way for you to know more about your customers as you are writing for and about them.

6. Helps You Develop Better Customer Relationships

A car wash blog is also an avenue for you to communicate with your customers. The comments section of your car wash blog is a tool to collaborate with your customers. You will be able to find out what your customers are interested in, what you need to improve, and what you need to change. Consequently, you will be able to come up with products and services to address their needs and attract new customers.

7. A Car Wash Blog Can Help Increase Your ROI

More importantly, a car wash blog can boost your revenue. ย An infographic mentioned earlier, has published that studies show 81% of US consumers trust advice and information from blogs and 61% of consumers have made a purchase based on a blog post. As a result, 60% of businesses who have blogs acquire more customers. ย It is surely going to be a good investment for your car wash business.

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