The Professional Car Detailer

DetailXPerts is the world’s first eco-friendly steam car detailer franchise. Our unique patent-pending technology saves tons of water. Thousands of satisfied customers around the country and beyond its borders recognize its uniqueness, brilliant results and environmental friendliness.

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What Types of Car Wash Businesses Are Available through Franchise?

What Types of Car Wash Businesses Are Available Through Franchise

What Types of Car Wash Businesses Are Available through Franchise?

A car wash is a promising business opportunity. It has a low entry barrier, fast startup time, and minimum workforce requirement. With millions of vehicles plying the US roads, all needing cleaning at one time or another, the earning potential is great. However, before rushing into signing papers and investing your dollars, you first need to check what types of car wash businesses there are and make your choice. Also, it would be great to see if a franchise is available to someone like you who would like to venture into the industry. After all, there are some particular benefits of the franchise vs own business opportunity that you might want to keep in mind.

Types of Car Wash Businesses

Mobile Car Wash Business

The mobile car wash business is a novel concept that answers three important cleaning needs of vehicle owners today: safety, efficiency, and convenience. All the customer has to do is contact the provider and schedule an appointment. Then, a detailing team goes to the location the customer provided and cleans the vehicle. Thus, the customer can continue doing what he has on schedule – spending time with family and friends, working in the office, or playing golf – without worrying about his vehicle’s cleanliness.

Self-Serve Car Washes

Self-serve car washes are the types of car wash business that usually need an open bay for the car to sit in during the cleaning. The system includes a pressure sprayer, a foaming brush, and a pump. It is coin-operated and has various options for cleaning. The system works for a fixed duration. User keeps on feeding more coins until washing is over – that is, if there are no other customers around. As per the industry research, men tend to go for self-serve more than women.

Steam Car Wash

Want a greener way of cleaning vehicles? Then a steam car wash might be an option for you. Traditional types of car wash businesses consume huge amounts of water as well as harsh detergents that damage the environment. Steam doesn’t. It only requires a small amount of water that turns into powerfully cleaning, yet gentle to the car’s finish vapor.

Types of Car Wash Businesses Available through a Franchise

There are different types of car wash businesses that you can get through a franchise agreement. They spread from from traditional drive-through washing to a more sophisticated steam car detailing. The choice is entirely yours. However, be aware that the trend is toward environmentally-friendly types of car wash businesses. Customers also prefer to patronize those who use such methods and practices. Mobile car wash business is becoming more popular because consumers demand convenience and quick turnaround.

A Steam Car Wash Business Opportunity

If you are in for a green business and franchise opportunity – read on!

DetailXPerts is the world’s first eco-friendly steam cleaning car wash franchise. The company employs steam and specially formulated chemicals to provide ultimate results in car washing. Steam sterilizes and sanitizes the vehicle and gives extra safety, particularly to truckers who romp home with a lot of dust and grime.

DetailXPerts has developed a unique business model for car wash franchise that promotes mobile detailing units and free standing auto detailing shops. The specialty of our business model is affordable entry and operating cost. Mobile detailing eliminates a need to lease a building. The cleaning process uses only 2 gallons of water to wash 15 cars. We provide auto spa services from free standing and mobile units. Explore how you start a  car wash business with DetailXPerts by filling our form.

Also, take a moment to follow DetailXPerts’ LinkedIn page for more business and franchise news, updates, and conversations.


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