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Car Wash Marketing Ideas to Increase Profits

New Car Wash Marketing Ideas

Car Wash Marketing Ideas to Increase Profits

As a car wash business owner, you need to constantly come up with new car wash marketing ideas to keep pace with the times. Competition in the industry can be very steep. You have to step up your game or be left behind!

One of the things you can do is revisit the type ofย marketing strategies and marketing plan you are implementing. Some of the best new car wash marketing ideas are strategies based on trends seen in 2014 and projected to reach new heights in 2015 and the years to come. Here are some car wash marketing ideas to help your business stand out from the rest.

Car Wash Marketing Ideas for 2015 and Onward

Mobile Content Marketing

New Car Wash Ideas to Increase Profits

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The rising popularity of content marketing has been a trend in the past few years. And it is still rising! Most marketers have abandoned the traditional digital marketing tactics. They have embraced creating more relevant and inspiring content. A lot of new marketing strategies are in place like using QR codesย and social media marketing opportunities. You can also consider beefing up your online presence with your own car wash blog. According to, 82% of B2C marketers and 95% of B2B enterprise marketers use content marketing. B2B companies with blogs are expected to generate 67% more leads per month than organizations that donโ€™t have blogs. Content marketing has proven to be very valuable and heavily invested companies are seeing huge returns.

You will have a far wider reach with mobile content marketing as almost everybody carries a smartphone or a tablet. Specifically, you can target millennials since mobile technology is the best medium to get connected with them. For maximum results, you have to make sure that your content is available on every mobile platform and device. Mobile customers prefer a consistent digital experience across platforms and devices.

Wearable Technology

One thing you have to prepare for is wearable technology. According to an article on, a lot of people should be using wearable technology devices by the end of 2015. All the excitement over the Apple iWatch and Android Wear suggests that a lot of people will buy and use these devices. Businesses that will take a lead in using wearable technology for marketing will have an advantage over other businesses.

Additionally, a report by Forrester notes that 68% of global technology and business decision-makers say that wearables are a priority for their firm. These businesses see a clear return on investment from wearables. So, as you launch your mobile content marketing as part of your car wash marketing planning, prepare to eventually market to consumers via wearable devices.

Offline Car Wash Marketing Ideas

According to Small Business Sense, some of the most effective marketing strategies are offline activities. Traditional marketing techniques like customer referrals, word of mouth, leaflets and catchy slogans on posters still work. Digital marketing may be the trend now, but donโ€™t overlook tried and tested strategies for marketing.

According to an article on, some of the best ideas happen offline. The trick is to combine online and offline strategies smoothly in one complete package. Give each of your car wash customers a personalized and awesome service. Keep them happy so that theyโ€™ll show their appreciation by telling their friends and family about your car wash. In fact, encourage them to spread the word. This can be done online through social media or offline through conversations.

Networking is another strategy that you could use. Network your way to success by attending all relevant business activities and social functions in your area. Actively participate in local business groups. Or better yet, sponsor activities that will make your car wash known and familiar to your customers like fundraisers. There are numerous opportunities for you to broaden your network and amass customers along the way.

Add New Profit Streams

You may have heard of a car care shop adding a car wash to their services. Or of a tire dealership opening an automated car wash. These businesses added what we call profit streams or centers to their existing operations to augment their revenues. What about doing it the other way around? Adding profit centers to your car wash business is just one of the many new car wash marketing ideas that that can increase your profits.

You can make your car wash a one-stop shop for your customers by adding profit centers. You increase your revenue while making it convenient for your customers. The higher level of service and the convenience your car wash offers will also result in customer loyalty. Are you ready for the challenge and the increase in profits? Here are some fresh profit center ideas for your car wash:

Restaurants or Diners

Most car washes have food vending machines or small coffee shops where their customers can eat or have a cup of coffee while waiting. Why not take it to the next level? Depending on your target market, you can have a family restaurant or an all-American diner next to your car wash. The options are actually limitless! You can have an Italian or French restaurant. Or an all-you-can-eat buffet. Your customers will appreciate a clean vehicle and a full stomach.

Entertainment Areas

Another kind of profit center you may want to consider is an entertainment area. Again, this would highly depend on your target market. Are you targeting families? Then, a playground or an arcade for their kids would be a good idea. And a spa for the adults where they can get relaxing massages. The best thing about these profit centers is that they are stand-alone businesses that can rake in profits on their own.


It is time for you to revisit your car wash business plan. Times are changing and everyoneโ€™s in a race to the top. Rise to the challenge and integrate these new car wash marketing ideas into your business. Donโ€™t get left behind!

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