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7 Elements of a Good Car Wash Blog

Good Car Wash Blog

7 Elements of a Good Car Wash Blog

The verdict is out! Statistics show that a car wash blog can increase your businessโ€™ website traffic and eventually boost your revenue.

70% of consumers say they prefer getting to know a company via articles rather than ads and 329 million people read blogs monthly. Withย these numbers, your car wash blog isย good for the business. According to, even the business world’s cream of the crop utilize blogging to further their goals.

As of 2014, 31% of Fortune 500 companies maintain active blogs โ€“ an increase of 15% from 2008โ€™s 16%.

But of course, it has to be done right. Your car wash blog has to have all the right elements to drive traffic to your website and be shared through social media to consequently be beneficial.

7 Elements to Have Good Car Wash Blog

1.Catchy Title

The title of your article is the first thing that people will see. Just like a catchy slogan, you need an interesting title that will call peopleโ€™s attention when they browse through a search engine. It doesnโ€™t matter yet if your article is interesting. If your title doesnโ€™t pique their interest, they will not click on your blogโ€™s link. Then, no one will read your article. Asย says, research shows that numbers can be a good element in your title. Apart from being eye-catching, numbers can also set the readers’ expectations. ย Of course, your title should also tell readers what the whole article is about.

2.Engaging Introduction

Once they click on your car wash blog post, you are not yet assured that they will stay on the page and read on. Your first statements mustย be compelling enough to hold the readers’ attention (which you grabbed with your catchy title), and make them want to stay to read on. Check out famous sites like to get an idea of what good introductions are.

3.Social Media


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Your car wash blog has to be set up to make posts easy to share through social media, like Facebook and Twitter. According to a blogger and aย marketing strategist,, 47% of Americans say Facebook is their number oneย influencer of purchases. Withย over 1.15 billion Facebook users the power of social media canโ€™t be taken for granted. In fact, 93% of marketers use social media for business. Itย is now a common part of overall marketing strategies.

4.Solid Content In theย Good Car Wash Blog

Of course, we cannot take for granted what our car wash blog says. says 90% of consumers find custom content useful, while 78% believe that companies behind content are interested in building good relationships. Content is definitely the most important part of a car wash blog. This is the voice of your company. Needless to say, you have to focus on the quality of your car wash blogs.

While it may be true thatย the more blogs you post, the more traffic will be directed to your website, butย your content is still the topmost reason why people will bring their business to your car wash. It is the same reason why readers will share your post on social media. Good and solid writing skills are important. A post that has grammatical and spelling errors can turn readers away, no matter how informative your article may be.ย  In addition, it will make people doubt your credibility.

WordPress, one of the leading blogging systems advises in their online business solution site that the key to effective content is to find the right balance of telling and selling. Blogs are not the best venue for heavy-hitting sales pitch but you must not also forget to promote your car wash business through your content.

5.Visual Images

Pictures are becoming the universal language, as evidenced by the rise of Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram. According to the same marketing strategist mentioned above,ย ย articles with images get 94% more total views. ย A research by Performics shows that people are most likely to engage with branded content on social media that has pictures (44%) and videos (37%). ย Images and videos are great complements to your content. Indeed, a picture is worth a thousand words.


The (CTA) or call-to-action, requests your readers to do whatever it is you want them to do after reading your post. What would you like them to do? Share their thoughts in the comments section? Provide feedback? Visit your website? Fill out a form? Subscribe to your newsletter? Be specific and let them know what to do. Urge them to do so through a compelling CTA.

7.Comments Section

According to, many bloggers make the mistake of not allowing comments. These bloggers are missing out on the opportunity to learn from their readers. You want your readers to post comments and tell you what they think. Customer testimonials have the highest effectiveness rating for content marketing at 89% says You want to hear if theyโ€™re satisfied customers. If theyโ€™re not satisfied customers, you still want to hear from them so youโ€™ll know what you can improve and how to go about the improvement. More importantly, the comment section of your car wash blog gives you the chance to build a community of passionate individuals who valuesย your car wash businessโ€™ mission and vision. These people areย your greatest advocates!ย They will be your most sincere andย credible marketers.


You now know the essential elements to make your car wash blog effective. But before you start writing away, determine the goals and objectives of your car wash blog. Make sure it matches your company’s vision too. Why are you writing? Who are you writing for? You donโ€™t want to lose track and post articles that have nothing to do with your car wash business.

Reap the benefits of being a car wash franchisee. You will be taught and trained by the car wash and detailing experts in the various areas of your business including and not limited to SEO, SMM and other marketing strategies. You wouldn’t want this opportunity to pass, would you?ย Checkย out this form now!

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