The Professional Car Detailer

DetailXPerts is the worldโ€™s first eco-friendly steam car detailer franchise. Our unique patent-pending technology saves tons of water. Thousands ofย satisfied customers around the country and beyond its borders recognize its uniqueness, brilliant results and environmental friendliness.

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How Starting Your Own Business Can Reduce Stress: American Heart Month

How Starting Your Own Business Can Reduce Stress: American Heart Month

If you haven’t noticed it, already be on the lookout, chances are you will be seeing a lot of REDย this month, and it isn’t just because Valentine’s Day is around the corner, February is also American Heart Month!

It’s still the early part of the year, February is only the second month, that means there is still plenty of time to discover and follow your passions.

As people examine ways to improve their heart health this month, reducing stress comes to mind and re-evaluating your career and following your passion may be the answer.

People with a passion for protecting and preserving the environment, automotive enthusiasts who pay attention to detail and love helping others should consider starting a business in the eco-friendly vehicle wash and detailing industry.

In celebration of American Heart Month, here are FOUR ways owning an auto detailing business canย reduce stress:

1.ย ย ย  Be Your Own Boss??????????????????

Most entrepreneurs will tell you that when you start a business, you should prepare for 60-plus hour weeks. While that may be true, you will also find a significant amount of freedom in becoming your own boss. Aside from your clients, which will hopefully become repeat customers, the only person you will have to impress is yourself. The anxiety you experience in preparing for that annual performance review or early morning meetings with your supervisor disappears. Once you become a small business owner, you set your own attainable goals and gain control of your own destiny. As the saying goes, when you do what you love you will never “work” a day in your life. Then, that 60-hour “work” weeks will become 60 enjoyable hours of investing into your business.

2.ย ย ย  Flexible Hours

Tired of working a mundane 9 to 5, where all you have to look forward to is a few weeks of vacation a year? Stop daydreaming your productivity away and incorporate flexibility into your new business schedule. One of the luxuries of owning your own business is customizing your own hours to accommodate your personal schedule. When you start a business with a mobile detailing franchise like DetailXPerts, you can plan your work schedule around the needs of your customers and your personal schedule. This kind of schedule flexibility makes it possible to achieve a work/life balance that can help youย maximize your productivity to the fullest.

3.ย ย ย  No Traffic

Getting to and from work can be the most stressful part of oneโ€™s day, especially in cities with high populations. When you create your own work schedule, traffic no longer becomes an issue. Plan your work schedule around off-peak hours so that you never waste hours of your day sitting idly in traffic. ย And as a small business owner, you can save money on gas and travel expenses by claiming tax deductions for your small business come tax time.

4.ย ย ย  Support System

When you start a new business asย part of a franchise system, you will find that while you are in business FOR yourself, you are not in business BY yourself. As any small business owner and entrepreneur will tell you, starting a new business can be overwhelming and lonely. But when you are part of a franchise system, not only will you have a proven business system that can catapult you to success, you can also rely on other franchise owners to offer advice, and have the recognition of a larger brand behind you, which can help you partner with other local business within your community. In addition to the aforementioned benefits, there is also a corporate headquarters team who is available to assist your every need from technology and marketing to customer service and accounting.

If you are ready to celebrate American Heart Month by taking a permanent vacation from the stress inducing 9 to 5 work life to pursue your passion to protect the environment while becoming your own boss, then consider opening an eco-friendly mobile detailing franchise with DetailXPerts. Click here to get our FREE Franchise Reportย for more information.ย 

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