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20 Car Cleaning Facts You Need to Know

DetailXPerts Car Cleaning Facts

20 Car Cleaning Facts You Need to Know

Is it time you scheduled a mobile car wash? Here are 20 car cleaning facts that you’ll need to know when making your next auto detailing decision.
Is it time you scheduled a mobile car wash? Here are 20 car cleaning facts that you’ll need to know when making your next auto detailing decision.

Is it time you scheduled a mobile car wash? Here are 20 car cleaning facts that you’ll need to know when making your next auto detailing decision.

We reveal some dirty little secrets that you probably didnโ€™t know about your car. There is nothing better than driving a clean and polished vehicle, right? Indeed, 1 in 4 car drivers thinks that a dirty car reflects poorly on them. However, sometimes car drivers let their standards slip, without always realizing it. Various surveys and research on car cleaning (or lack of it!) have unearthed some interesting results.

DetailXPerts Car Cleaning Facts

Car Cleaning Facts

A poll on driving habits reveals that 83% of US adults drive their car at least several times a week. Weโ€™re very much a car-dependent nation. And regular journeys are inevitably going to lead to dirtier vehicles. However, it is not just about muddy footprints on floor mats and pet hairs on car seats. Bacteria can quickly build up on car surfaces, too. Therefore, even if your car doesnโ€™t look dirty, it doesnโ€™t mean that it is spotlessly clean either. Find out more with our car cleaning facts:


1 62% of Car Owners say Car Appearance is Important

Most people have a general sense of car pride because they donโ€™t want their messy car habits to be witnessed by the world. However, this doesnโ€™t mean they have a clean car. According to a survey of 1,000 US car owners by the International Carwash Association (ICA), it was found that although 62% of car owners believe appearance is essential, 53% wash their cars less than once a month.


2 Are You Guilty of Leaving Garbage in Your Car?

Weโ€™ve probably all done it at some point. Shutting the car door on a mess rather than responsibly disposing of our garbage. More findings from ICA reveal that 61% of car drivers regularly leave garbage in their cars. Greasy takeaway food wrappers, empty bottles and disposable coffee cups are prime examples of what spoils the appearance of a car interior. Not to mention the smell, see below.


3 Bad Odor Alert! 27% Drivers say Their Car Stinks

Hold your nose! More car cleaning facts reveal that 27% of drivers say their car stinks. For example, dropped bits of food, spilled drinks, pet smells, mold, mud, and dirty AC units all contribute to bad odors in vehicles. Therefore, if your car interior needs freshening up, donโ€™t hesitate to make a mobile car care appointment.


4 What Mobile Car Wash? 16% Never Wash Their Cars

Not everyone is familiar with a car wash. More fun car cleaning facts from ICA reveal that in of survey of 1,000 US car owners, 16% of the respondents admitted they never wash their cars. If a lack of time is a problem, a mobile car wash is the solution. Simply schedule an appointment with a mobile car detailer near you!


5 Face Touching While Driving Spreads Bacteria and Viruses

Drivers touch their faces 26 times an hour on average, according to a study. Each touch lasts for nearly 4 seconds. Frequent face touching increases the risk of the transmission of bacteria and viruses inside a car. Germs easily pass from drivers to passengers in the atmosphere and from contaminated surfaces. See below.

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6 Nearly 150 Types of Bacteria on the Steering Wheel

A university-based bacterial study on used cars discovered that car interiors can often be dirtier than a toilet! Research results found that 146 types of bacteria were identified on the steering wheel of these vehicles. Yes, probably a good reason to regularly schedule complete car sanitization at a mobile car wash. See more car cleaning facts from this study, below (No. 7 and 8).


7 Over 300 Types of Bacteria on the Back Seat

Pets and small children are undeniably cute, but they can often make a car interior a messier place. For example, over 300 types of bacteria were identified on the back seats of vehicles when tested by an expert in microbiology. Some of the bacteria found included staphylococcus aureus, a germ linked to coughs and sneezes. For a healthier car environment, killing viruses with steam is recommended.


8 Car Cleaning Facts: The Driverโ€™s Seat is a Bacteria Hotspot

The university microbiology research also tracked down more bacterial growth in car interiors. Specifically, samples taken from swabbing the driverโ€™s seat in 5 used cars identified almost 650 bacteria. To avoid this problem, see our helpful tips on how to sanitize your car seats.


9 The Rise of Dashboard Dining Means Dirtier Cars

It is estimated that 20% of all American meals are eaten in cars. Hence the phrase, โ€œdashboard diningโ€. However, where there is food, there are crumbs, spillages, stains and discarded French fries! Apparently, some of the most popular foods to eat while driving are French fries, hamburgers, chips and donuts. Check out the study here.


10 Over 80% Dog Owners Travel with Their Pets in the Car

Most dog owners will need to take their pets in the car at some point. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), 80% of dog owners take their dogs in the car frequently. However, traveling with pets in the car can be a messy business. The hair, dirty paws and pet smells can quickly result in an untidy or unhealthy vehicle. Pet odors will also build up. Check out how to remove pet hair from car interior.


11 Spillages: 53% of People Spill Drinks

People love to grab a coffee or a soda to go. If youโ€™re driving, thereโ€™s always the possibility it can end up on the floor of your car or over the seats. The good news is our mobile car wash detailers provide expert car interior detailing. This includes efficiently cleaning your carpets and removing stains from seats without damaging delicate fabrics.


12 Nearly 80% of Survey Respondents Want a Tidier Car

A study suggests that a clean car makes people feel better about themselves. In a poll of 2,000 American drivers conducted by OnePoll and Meguiarโ€™s, 78% of people said a lovely clean car makes them feel like they have got their life more together. See additional car cleaning facts from this study, below.


13 Bad Romance: 51% of People End a First Date Early Because of a Dirty Car

A dirty car is bad for romance. If you turn up for a first date driving a filthy vehicle, it probably wonโ€™t be a case of love at first sight. In fact, 51% of people say they have ended a first date early because their date showed up in a messy car.


14 Cat Litter for Winter Weather

The trunk is often the dirtiest part of the car. Itโ€™s not surprising. The main storage part of the car often attracts the most dirt and grime. If you think about it, the trunk is where our bags of groceries go, gym kits, baby buggies, changes of shoes and so on. Respondents of a survey even admitted to keeping kitty litter in the trunk, just in case they get stuck in snow. Cat litter is a road salt substitute that can provide traction in snow and ice.


15 Used Cars Need a Professional Clean

As you might expect, older cars exhibit higher bacteria loads than newer cars. This is because they have been on the road for a longer time and may have had multiple owners/drivers. However, many of us are perfectly happy to driver older cars. Itโ€™s how we treat them that is important. Therefore, regular car care will keep older vehicles sanitized and clean.


16 Cars Full of Junk Leave No Room for Passengers

Where does all our unwanted stuff go? It seems a lot of it finds a way into our cars โ€“ and then stays there. According to another survey of 2,000 American drivers, 31% have cars that are full of junk. Consequently, almost a third of drivers surveyed admitted there was only room for them. There was no room for any passengers because of all the abandoned the junk inside their cars.

Source: OnePoll survey commissioned by Car Shield. See more results from the survey, below.


17 One in Five Drivers Havenโ€™t Cleaned Their Car for Months

Some people donโ€™t get around to cleaning their cars for months on end. One in five drivers surveyed said that they havenโ€™t cleaned their car in 3 months. And 10% canโ€™t remember if they have ever cleaned their vehicle.


18 Purple Bird Poop Happens

Could the color of your car attract more bird poop than normal? The jury is still out on this one. However, we do know that bird poop can stain lighter colored vehicles if you donโ€™t remove it quickly. Particularly if the birds have been eating dark colored berries. If this happens, remove purple bird poop with expert car exterior detailing.


19 Car Sharing is on the Rise

Check out industry reports on car sharing providers in the US. If you are sharing your vehicle with others on the daily commute it will clearly be getting more use, inside and out. More mileage, more road grime. More feet in and out, more dirt on the carpets. If this is the case, you may find you need to call on mobile car wash services to keep your vehicle clean. DetailXPerts use steam-cleaning technology to guarantee superior results.


20 Worldโ€™s Messiest Cars

Finally, if you want to feel better about your car cleaning habits, take a look at some of the worldโ€™s messiest cars. You would never let your car get this untidy, would you? But if the worst happens, DetailXPerts is always here to help!



According to our fun car cleaning facts, our cars can get messy and dirty. Itโ€™s an unavoidable everyday fact. Considering how much time people spend in their cars, the โ€œlived-inโ€ look is inevitable. However, regular car care will keep your ride looking great.


If you want a car that is clean and sanitized, why not schedule an appointment with DetailXPerts? Take advantage of our mobile car wash services. Weโ€™ll restore your vehicleโ€™s shine and steam clean the interior. Weโ€™ll also do it whenever and wherever you want.


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