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7 Social Media Tips for Your Car Wash Success

Social Media Tips for success

7 Social Media Tips for Your Car Wash Success

Time and again, you have heard that social media tips can help boost the performance of any business. That is why you have created accounts in Facebook, Twitter, Instragram and other forms of social media just to ensure your car wash success. Unfortunately, you are not gaining viewers or customers. This leaves you wondering if social media is just a myth or a reality.

Has it ever occurred to you that you might not be doing it right? Have you ever really considered why you cannot enjoy a bigger share of the billions of social media users who make noise in the World Wide Web?

How to Achieve Car Wash Success through Social Media

Yes, the power to unleash the magic of social media for your car wash success lies in your hands. It is not a myth – it is a reality that booming car wash businesses have utilized to reach their goals. Here are our social media tips (explanations) that will help you as well:

1. They Blog about Their Car Wash

Some of the biggest names in the industry attribute their car wash success to their blogs. No, they do not only blog about the greatness of their products – they write valuable information that interests their target audience – vehicle owners, car rental proprietors, automobile detailers and car wash entrepreneurs, etc. They share via social media tips and resources that these people may use to improve their daily lives. In so doing, their target audience comes back for more, finds them worthy of their trust and begins to do business with them.

2. They Share Their Content

Car wash businesses who get it know that their valuable content amounts to nothing if they do not share it in Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest or Instagram. So they post a link to their new blog posts in the different social media. They are also aware that people will share that link once they find it valuable.

3.They Interact with Their Audience

Successful entrepreneurs know that interacting with the audience can increase the chances of car wash success. They thank their “likers” for like-ing their posts and their retweeters for “tweet-ing” their Twits. They also post their specials, photos, quotes and videos and respond to their viewers’ comments – and how right they are with this approach. In an interview with, Janet Fouts, a social media coach, and founder of Tatu Digital Media, said a carwash or detailing company could make use of social media networks to drive traffic and offer specials to customers.”

4. They Value SEO

One of the social media tips to car wash success is to be aware about how SEO works. Car wash businesses who take SEO seriously enjoy being at the top five pages of different search engines. They maintain the quality of their content, search for high-ranking keywords, alt tag their photos and use other means to optimize their websites. By being in the top pages of browsers, they increase their chances of being found by local users who are looking for car wash or detailing services.

5. They Use Four Square to Their Advantage

Four Square is a location based check-in service that allows entrepreneurs to see where their clients are, where they are going and what they say about their services. It also gives them the chance to respond to their customers, announce their special deals, etc. With 41% male users with ages ranging from 25-34, Four Square can indeed be a gateway to car wash success.

6. They Treat it as a Wise Investment

These entrepreneurs spend time, money and effort in maintaining their accounts in various social media. Moreover they know that these are wise investments that can significantly increase the chances of their car wash success.

7. They Take it a Step Further

They send birthday and anniversary greeting cards to their avid Facebook followers; reward them for liking their posts, etc. This increases customer satisfaction and eventually, customer loyalty. For sure this social media tip will help you build engagement with the customers.


Use these social media tips for your car wash success. These have been proven and tested by car wash business owners who are now enjoying the many benefits that social media can offer.

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