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How to Sell Your Car Wash Business

How to Sell Your Car Wash Business

Selling your car wash business isn’t as complicated as it’s made out to be. A little hard work, but not complicated. In the end it all boils down to the details. Different industries use different sells techniques. After all, if your selling high end finafinancial products to giant corporations you’ll need to approach your Buyers differently from someone selling a car wash business.

There are four fundamental concepts you will need to understand when learning how to sell your car wash business. Learn them, practice them and above all make them your own.

  1. Research
  2. Inquire then Listen
  3. Genuine Connection
  4. Close the Sell


You have to approach the correct buyers if you want to sell your car wash business for the maximal selling price. Attend events in your area where entrepreneurs would be. Perhaps even mingle around car lots, collision shops or business garages. From their you can learn their roles, responsibilities, and objectives. During the intitial conversation learn about what is in it for the Buyer.

Make sure to keep updated on the competition, depending on the area you plan to sell in. Know the competition inside and out. It is absolutely vital to know your own car wash business inside and out. Know them both! There is nothing worst then getting beat up by potential buyers.

Inquire and Listen

When selling your business you want to make the Buyer feel important. Initially you may feel it’s all about you and you will start to come off aggressive. You must remember it’s about the Buyers needs and goals. Since it’s all about the Buyer make sure to ask the questions. Such as, what are your goals and how can we as Sellers can help you. Translate the car wash business’ features into benefits for the buyer. Make sure the questions you ask are open ended. Keep in mind that information is powerful.

When listening to the Buyer, listen for what motivate them and what truely matters. When your out their pushing to sell the car wash business, if you are gentle in approach, you will find the right buyer and the process will run smoothly.

Genuine Connection

Know this: Every buiness transaction involves a genuine connection between individuals. To connect with the Buyer you have to explain the car wash in a way they can understand and resonate with them. As you are building a genuine friendship through the meetings you are able to ask the right questions and know what they are looking for and in return meet their needs.

Closing the sell

Appearing overly pushy is a turn off when closing the sell of your car wash. Once you have presented the business to the potential buyer more then likely they will want to do more research on their end. Let them do so, with your enthusiastic and supportive pitch in mind. If you’ve been truthful, helpful, considerate and enthusiastic, it’ll be your car wash they will come back to purchase.

During this time let the Buyer know you’re actually working for them. That’s because your job is to understand and help them achieve thier goals. The Buyer needs to know that you’re partners, and that your willing to move mountains. As you confirm the Buyers interest in the car wash company ask trial closes like, “Does this sound like the car wash company for you.” When answered in the affirmative, this may mean we have a potential buyer.

Selling Your Car Wash

As a car wash owner you have to ask yourself, do you want to sell your car wash. Only 18% of small business’ that are available for sell, actually sell. The big problem is most car wash owners are not experienced in the process of planning, pricing and marketing their business in order to realize the maxium value. DetailXPerts can help to understand some of the issues that can arise when a car wash business is being sold.

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