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Maximizing Entrepreneurial Attitude

Maximizing Entrepreneurial Attitude

Maximizing Entrepreneurial Attitude

You can go far in life with the right entrepreneurial attitude. And if you need help developing this proactive and ambitious mindset, we have the perfect podcast episode for you.
You can go far in life with the right entrepreneurial attitude. And if you need help developing this proactive and ambitious mindset, we have the perfect podcast episode for you.

You can go far in life with the right entrepreneurial attitude. And if you need help developing this proactive and ambitious mindset, we have the perfect podcast episode for you.

Angela and Emmanuel Williams discussed entrepreneurial attitude with Diyva Darling on their podcast More Details, Please. The Williams also own DetailXPerts, an eco-friendly mobile cleaning company and successful franchise. Their passion for entrepreneurship underpins every conversation with their podcast guests.

Tune in to hear Divya, a transcendental brain trainer, share her tips on how she can help you develop the right attitude to succeed on your terms.

Entrepreneurial Attitude and a Learning Mindset

Divya Darling specializes in neuroscience, psychology, and cognitive science. Her knowledge and coaching experience help people develop a deeper connection with their minds and thoughts. And part of this process is enhancing problem-solving skills, creativity, and a confident, curious attitude. Listen on YouTube or Spotify to hear what she has to say.

The Brain Learns Faster by Making Mistakes

Donโ€™t be too hard on yourself. Divya reminds you that part of maximizing an entrepreneurial attitude is normalizing missing targets instead of feeling down about failure. โ€œThe brain learns faster by making mistakes,โ€ she says. Read business lessons from failure stories on our blog for more on this subject.

A learning mindset is a key element of an entrepreneurial attitude. For example, learning from failure, adapting, changing, and innovating are all important parts of being an enterprising person in business.

Think More Like a Kindergarten Kid

So, how do we go about maximizing the right attitude for business? Divyaโ€™s advice is to think more like a kindergarten kid. โ€œEverythingโ€™s an adventure to them,โ€ she says. โ€œTheyโ€™re constantly exploring and learning. Their mindset is, Iโ€™m just here to play.โ€

Similarly, thinking like a successful entrepreneur is about learning and discovering. Donโ€™t be afraid to play around with ideas. Entrepreneurs are known for their creative thinking and innovative solutions. For example, Emmanuel Williams developed DetailXPertsโ€™ industry-leading steam cleaning technology to clean cars using very little water.

On the Brink of Breakdown

Starting a business is an exciting venture. But it can be a rollercoaster journey with ups and downs. Therefore, entrepreneurial attitude involves resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks. However, itโ€™s important not to push yourself too hard.

On the podcast, Divya talks about being on the brink of a breakdown when she put everyone else before herself. Listen to her tips on how to overcome stress, exhaustion, and burnout in business.

Three Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur

Divya reveals three entrepreneur personality traits that help shape a successful mindset. Moreover, you can strengthen these traits and characteristics with her guidance. For example, Divya talks about the importance of self-awareness. This trait is key to strong leadership development and a positive work culture.

Meditation and Mindfulness

The business environment can be demanding and stressful, especially if youโ€™re working hard to turn your ideas into reality. Divya highlights the importance of meditation and mindfulness. Her mantra is, โ€œIf youโ€™re breathing, youโ€™re succeeding.โ€

Meditation and mindfulness techniques can help reduce stress levels and boost well-being. Some other benefits include enhanced focus and concentration. As a result, improved mental clarity makes decision-making easier.

Divya explains how she helps people transcend their thinking to access higher states of consciousness. โ€œWhen the unconscious and conscious mind are in sync with one another, wise decisions emerge,โ€ she says. So, if youโ€™re feeling stressed, stuck, or overwhelmed, listen to Divya talk more on this subject on More Details, Please.


In summary, Angela, Emmanuel and Divya discuss maximizing entrepreneurial attitude and the benefits of this success mindset. Also, tune in to discover the most under-utilized assets of an entrepreneur. Divya also shares tips on becoming more present in the moment and the importance of quiet reflection in a fast-paced world.


Curious to get more insights from Angela and Emmanuel? Subscribe to our More Details, Please podcast and join the Williams as they talk to visionary entrepreneurs and community leaders who share their passion for inspiring others.

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