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How to Remove Ice Cream Stains from Upholstery

How to Remove Ice Cream Stains

How to Remove Ice Cream Stains from Upholstery

People eat in their vehicles all the time when traveling and commuting to different areas. Unfortunately, this leads to the inevitable – spilling drinks and food on the upholstery. During the summer, one of the most common instances of messy food is ice cream. With the excessive heat, these sweet treats become a favorite. However, knowing how to remove ice cream stains from the interior of your car will be good knowledge to have.
People eat in their vehicles all the time when traveling and commuting to different areas. Unfortunately, this leads to the inevitable – spilling drinks and food on the upholstery. During the summer, one of the most common instances of messy food is ice cream. With the excessive heat, these sweet treats become a favorite. However, knowing how to remove ice cream stains from the interior of your car will be good knowledge to have.

People eat in their vehicles all the time when traveling and commuting to different areas. Unfortunately, this leads to the inevitable – spilling drinks and food on the upholstery. During the summer, one of the most common instances of messy food is ice cream. With the excessive heat, these sweet treats become a favorite. However, knowing how to remove ice cream stains from the interior of your car will be good knowledge to have.

How to Remove Ice Cream Stains

Initial Clean-up

Depending on the material, the process is slightly different. Leather seats are a bit easier to clean because the spills require less effort to wipe off. However, both leather and cloth need to be cleaned up as soon as the issue is noticed. Dried stains are more difficult to remove than if they are still fresh.

First, you need to wipe away any excess ice cream with a microfiber towel. Be careful not to spread the stain further. If the food is dried onto the surface, you can also wet the towel slightly to remove the excess.

Soap and Water

The classic mixture of soap and water is an easy fix for most people. Everyone has these two items in their houses. Use warm water and mix with a mild solution soap. If the stain is large, you might want to mix them in a bucket. Generally, a bowl will be enough to complete the task.


Take a clean cloth and gently scrub at the stain, using small circular motions. Repeat this process several times, dipping the towel into the solution each time. Once the stain is gone, you will need another clean towel and water to remove any lingering residue. This should eliminate both the stain and cleaning solution.

Finally, wipe down the area with a dry towel as best as you can to absorb some of the liquid. If the spot was a large space, keep the car doors open to allow time for the seats to dry.

Overall, learning how to remove ice cream stains from upholstery is fairly easy. However, some people don’t have the time needed to complete the task. If you would like a professional detailer to remove ice cream stains from your car’s interior, check out DetailXPerts. We use steam cleaning to eliminate stains from upholstery.

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