Maintaining your car’s transmission is very important to keep your car in good shape. The transmission is a very vital part of your car and with the right auto maintenance and upkeep, your car’s transmission will go a long way. Let us consider the four major tips that you must follow in maintaining your car’s transmission.
Transmission Tips
- Recommended Schedule of MaintenanceThe recommended schedule of maintenance must have been provided by your dealer when you purchase your car. In case, you have a used car, then the information with regards to the maintenance can be found on the manufacturer’s website or on any other online resource as well. Once you find the information with regards to the maintenance, you can print the information and can post it in the garage or can mark the same on your calendar so that you do not forget it.
- Check the Transmission Fluid RegularlyA couple of decades ago, the gas station workers would normally check the oil of your car each time you went to fill gas. Although such type of monitoring does not exist as of now, but you need to make sure that you check the oil level in your car regularly. This is also true for the transmission fluid as well. You can check the transmission fluid yourself in the same way you check the car oil. Before checking the transmission fluid, make sure that the car has been running for at least twenty minutes. You may also use a transmission flush if required.
- Drive CarefullyUnwanted transmission repair can be caused due to certain driving habits. You must be careful while shifting gears and when you are changing from forward to reverse, you must get the car to a complete stop. The transmission of the car will get overheated if you are towing something behind and hence, you must be careful while doing that. Quick note, holding the brake down for a long period of time, will make the tires squeal and will destroy the transmission and your car will end up at a shop for transmission repair.
- Talk to your Professional DetailerIn order to gather the right knowledge with respect to maintenance procedures, you must talk to your professional detailing expert. Your professional detailer will be able to give you the right knowledge that will enable you to maintain your car’s transmission in the right manner.
Following the above-mentioned steps is bound to help you in keeping your car’s transmission in proper order. Always remember that by just investing a little extra effort and time, you will be able to maintain your vehicle’s transmission in the right order. If you do not have time to perform your car’s transmission maintenance, you need to schedule an appointment with your nearest garage shop who will be able to do this for you.