The Professional Car Detailer

DetailXPerts is the world’s first eco-friendly steam car detailer franchise. Our unique patent-pending technology saves tons of water. Thousands of satisfied customers around the country and beyond its borders recognize its uniqueness, brilliant results and environmental friendliness.

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SELMA FOR STUDENTS: 50 Free SELMA Tickets for Detroit High School Students

SELMA FOR STUDENTS: 50 Free SELMA Tickets for Detroit High School Students

SELMA, which was released in theaters on January 9th, has sparked national conversation about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his work in the Civil Rights Movement.

In an unprecedented effort led by African-American business leaders, companies across the U.S. have coordinated a massive national campaign to underwrite free admission to the Academy Award-nominated film “SELMA” for students around the country; a campaign that has become known as SELMA for students.

According to the SELMA Student Tickets website, the student tickets in Detroit are Sold Out. However, DetailXPerts Franchise has chosen to celebrate Black History month and honor Dr. King’s legacy by participating in the SELMA for students campaign and offering 50 more free tickets for the movie to high school students in the Detroit area. The tickets will be given to students on a first come first serve basis.

Students must be in grades 9 through 12 and be enrolled in a Detroit, Michigan high school. Students must present valid student ID.

Students can share their images and response to the film using #SelmaForStudents.

Due to the generous business contributions by companies such as DetailXPerts Franchise, more than 275,000 middle and high school students will experience the critically acclaimed film for free While Supplies Last.

For more information on how to claim one of the FREE 50 student tickets for SELMA in Detroit, MI, call 877-317-9737, or contact us via our website at

***With our Support Center located in Detroit, Michigan, DetailXPerts Franchise Systems is the world’s first eco-friendly vehicle steam cleaning system. We are a generationally minded franchise, offering a full range of services to young people interested in business ownership and creating generational wealth. With DetailXPerts’ patent-pending process, DetailXPerts can clean 15 cars with just 2 gallons of water, which conserves water as well as reduces waste and water pollution.***

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