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Car Wash Business Productivity: Why Use LinkedIn for Business

Car Wash Business Productivity: Why Use LinkedIn for Business

As social media apps like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter have grown in numbers, so have their sophistication as business productivity engines. The marketplace is open 24-7 for you to interact, engage and boost your car wash business productivity from as many angles as you can stay awake to manage.

LinkedIn was launched in May, 2003 and fast forward a decade later; their membership has multiplied to 200 million. Even though this number is small in comparison to the number of Facebook registered users, its professional and business focus and following commands more business clout and credibility.

Here are 5 top reasons why you should use LinkedIn to boost your car wash business productivity:

Multiple Reference Points

Each LinkedIn profile has the option to include several vital pieces of information about the person or the business. These include – professional experience, recommendations (by people who have worked with you or with whom you did business), skills, interests, associations joined and endorsements by other people who know or who do not know you.

This makes it almost impossible to make false claims or put out fake information as there are many multiple and cross reference points in place. Anyone trying to make falsehoods is likely to be disputed by existing LinkedIn members who know the person/business directly or indirectly.

Cultivate Brand Awareness

Gone are the days when the seller has the upper hand in “pushing” their products and services to the consumer. Today’s consumers cannot be sold just on the product or services alone. They prefer it if they can make a connection with the brand on other levels.

In that regard, there are many avenues you can use via LinkedIn to let them know the story behind the brand and what helped to shape the identity and philosophy of your car wash business. There is a lot you can share and that they can glean from your LinkedIn group memberships, connections, interests, discussions and opinions.

Establish Your Authority

When you actively engage with your LinkedIn circles with insightful comments, questions, solutions and ideas, you are establishing your authority and expertise in your field. Better still if a customer endorses your car wash business and services. Their endorsements have a more far-reaching impact on their circle of connections and potential prospects than if you made the claims yourself through paid advertisements.

Be Part of the Community

The communities that are of interest and relevance to the success of your car wash business are your customers, your potential customers and your competition. To be a relevant and key player in the industry, you want to be seen as an active member of those communities.

With your customers, you want to stay in touch in order to better cater to their needs and wants. Moreover, how they perceive their experience with your car wash services and how they see you conduct yourself in this open arena may turn them into your goodwill ambassador for good.

You cannot be physically everywhere to spread the word about your business but you can be in every prospect’s radar, virtually. To do so, you have to be relevant, of interest and authentic before they give you and your brand, any “viewing” time.

In business, you need to know who your competitors are, their sphere of influence and how they operate. LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to source that information to help you to maximize your potential, business productivity and opportunities in the field.connect on linkedin

Automatically Updated Rolodex

It takes many hours and staff to cold call prospects that you can add to your rolodex of contacts. Out of the blue, you have this extensive rolodex that is always expanding, regularly updated and rich with information for you to tap into. To further facilitate the process for you, it has over a million groups open to you to join in order to make yourself known, to help you to reach out and to make connections that may well become leads.

For your car wash business, the more relevant and legitimate people and businesses you can outreach to, the better the chances of boosting your business productivity. LinkedIn is a business development facilitator that is second to none as it is inexpensive, expansive and dynamic. To ignore it will be equivalent to handing the prize to your competition.

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