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Car Seats Cleaning: Steam Cleaning vs. Waterless Wash. Which Is More Efficient?

Car Seats Cleaning: Steam Cleaning vs. Waterless Wash. Which Is More Efficient?

Car Seats Cleaning: Steam Cleaning vs. Waterless Wash. Which Is More Efficient?

There are a lot of DIY articles on the internet that instruct car owners how to clean their car seats. From materials readily available in the store, to natural ingredients that can be found in one’s kitchen, there are tons of ways on how car owners can attack that stubborn stain on their car’s interior.

Cleaning stains

Food stains such as chocolate and sauces are hard to remove. They leave colored stains and prove to be a challenge when you try to remove them using ordinary water and a cloth.

One effective way of removing dirt and stains on your car seats is to have it steam cleaned. Car seats cleaning might sound a chore, but in fact it is a very easy process to carry out and an eco-friendly one too!

DIY clean

If you’d like to do the steam cleaning yourself, you may do so provided that you have the appropriate equipment. An ordinary steam cleaner, even a handheld one, will do. Put a cloth at the tip of the steam cleaner (where the steam comes out) and gently run it against the stain over and over again. You will notice that as you go over the stain it disappears gradually. If you are conscious about your environment, this might be the best way to remove that stain since no chemicals are involved. Water is also readily available, so if there are more stains to clean, you won’t have to rush to the nearest store to buy more of it.

However, as we all know, steam is water vapor, so if you are trying to remove a certain stubborn stain by going over it more than 5 times, that area of the car seat might be a little damp after. You will have to wait a few minutes, or hours, depending on how deep the water seeped into the cushion, before you can use your car.

There is also a possibility that the damp area might leave a water mark. This is due to water staying on the fabric for too long. Instead of naturally drying it, you may want to use a handheld dryer to speed up the drying process.

Cleaning products

On the other hand, there are also products in the market that promise the same result, but are less tedious to use when doing your car seats cleaning. Thanks to science and technology, car owners can now clean their cars without the use of water.

Yes, that’s right—you can clean your car’s interior and exterior without using water. Take No-Wet “The Green Way” Waterless Wash for instance. You spray it on your car’s hood, wipe it with a towel, and voila! Your car now looks shiny and new in an instant.

Not only does it clean, but if you have minor scratches on your car the Kaolin Clay ingredient in the spray goes in between the scratches and covers it up. In addition, “The Green Way” in the product’s name signifies that – yes, you guessed it right – it’s eco-friendly. As there are no harmful chemicals present in each bottle, you can spray away, guilt-free. It also works great on the interior, be it a car seat, a headliner or a rug! Spray a little on a stain and watch it go away as you wipe it with a dry cloth.

Nevertheless, No-Wet should never be considered as an alternative to scratch repair kits. Though it can cover up scratches, it can only cover minor scrapes, spider web and swirl scratches. Another thing is if you’re looking for a car cleaner with a nice aroma, perhaps No-Wet is not for you.

Car seats cleaning is very easy, and with all the resources and equipment that we have available, removing stains has become a simple task. However, we experts can also do a spectacular job in cleaning your car, inside and out—without you worrying at all. Schedule an appointment for our presidential detail package (which includes steam cleaning and waxing) and experience the magic that we can do.

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