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Complete Interior and Deluxe Exterior for your Pickup
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Complete Interior and Deluxe Exterior for your Tow Truck
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Complete Interior and Deluxe Exterior for your Tow Truck
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Indeed a nice post and I really like reading on automobile detailing stuff on the web. You have beautifully explained the importance of mobile and automobile detailing. I have subsribed to your blog and hope you will be posting nice stuff like this over the coming days. Thank youindustry. Keep up the nice posting as I have subscribed to your blog.
I could not resist commenting. Perfectly written!
These are great information for the proper maintenance of boats. A lot of boat owners and enthusiasts are surely grateful to note these helpful tips. Thanks for sharing a very informative article.
Detailing cars is a very good business to make profit and stay healthy which will provide you both physical and mental satisfaction. There are very few jobs that can offer a sort of fulfillment as auto detailing business do.
Great blog with some good advice. I love using my steamer it is so versatile and a great tool for stain removal
Good advices, thanks!
Excellent post! One of the main causes of fading is sunlight. Prolonged exposure of the sun on your car can damage to your car’s paint. Another method for protecting your vehicle’s paint is to wax your car regularly.
This is good advice. The first rule of odor removal is to remove the source of the odor, just like you suggest. If you can’t remove the source of the odor, then you will never be able to remove the odor itself. No amount of covering it up will make it go away. If you can’t do it yourself use a professional whether it is carpet in your car or carpet cleaning in your home.
Good advices.
Yes I think too that Waxing your car regularly can be a pretty decent method of preventing your paint from fading. Experts says that one should wash his car on regularly basis like once in a week and should do rinsing process to avoid scratches using foam and sponge. Before waxing your car ensure that your car is completely dry and then apply waxing on it. It will make your car look shiny for quite long.
Hello rmenon,
Very informative article…It’s really useful maintenance tips…Regular maintenance of automobile leads safety driving along happy miles..Thank you for sharing a nice post..
Very good advice – I think checking reviews on the model is definitely the way to go. Many car manufacturers have a good reputation when it comes to new cars, but that doesn’t stop the odd car coming off the production line that is far from perfect and acquires a lot of problems over time. There is also a fair bit of variation when it comes to the production year, so it’s best to look into that too…
Especially if it’s a new car you should stick to the manufacturers recommended speeds during the break in period in addition to driving with extra care… If not then just using some common sense will go a long way.
The best way to deal with mold is the use of vinegar. This is very effective cleaner for cleaning any type of mold, dirt or stain. But your five steps of mold removal is also quite beneficial for peoples. Thanks for sharing!
Hi there. Please share other tips for handling mold with our readership. ~ Angela
I will try it seems worthy.
Matt, how did it work out for you?
What should I use on my leather seats the car has been sitting and the passnger seat is dry
Cindy, use a leather conditioner. Read the label first to make sure it’s a good fit for your situation. ~ Angela
Car detailing franchise business is on a rise. Every year the number pf cars hitting the roads is ever growing, so is the car cleaning and detailing business. Most newbie detailers are preferring specialty detailing services because more and more people drive their own cars, and they want to make sure that their vehicle runs well every time they go out for a ride.
A lot of people don’t know that when it comes to their paint fading, not waxing your car is one of the big reasons why.
Using a solvent-based (acetone etc.) nail polish remover will destroy your car’s clear coat & paint. If it removes paint from your girlfriend’s nails, it will do the same to your car
Tom, you should ONLY apply nail polish remover to cotton ball, not directly on car. Most car finishes respond very well to this method. Tell me more about your experience. ~ Angela
Which is best to remove hardened seagull droppings from my motor car White or Malt Vinegar.
Les, try both.
Good advices for start, but it isn`t simple 🙂
From it, I have learned how to maintain my car’s eletrical system, tks!
Mobile is the way to go… Good Read.
Please send me franchise information
David, did you get the franchise information?
Business today are really taking advantage of social media, especially of your just starting your own car wash business for the first time. Social media can help you be seen on the internet by means of internet.
I think,it is always better to go for Auto detailing rather than simple local Car wash, as they (Auto detailing) professionally do their work and make our vehicle new and clean.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi DetailXPerts,
Nice article. I have a company in Belgium since Jan 2010 also as a steam car wash and now offering als steam cleaning for carpets and sofas, since I got a lot of requests for car seat cleaning.
I think the right time to move forward would be when your first operation could essentially pay for your second operation. You have to think about how long it took to get your first operation to a comfortable level. So do not expect your 2nd location to blow up right away. It will take time and you should be in position for the slow growth by basically having your 1st location carry the 2nd until the 2nd is performing at your forecast levels.
I have found that a bottle of Dawn dish detergent is a necessity for my boat. Not only can I clean up petroleum based problems, but it also makes a great lubricant for those odd jobs that always need to be done on a sailboat.
I have used all the scratch remover products that you have stated above and have found that Turtle Wax Scratch and Swirl remover works best for me. So much in fact that I use it within my car body repair business.
Sergio, did you get the franchise information?
Thansks, Im interested in a franchise for Colombia South America. Im living right now in Ibagué and Im looking for this tipe of business.
Can you send me information about?
Juan, did you get this franchise information?
Please send me details of franchise opportunities.
A Scott, the franchise information is on its way. Might I asked how you became interested? Thanks for stopping by.
I appreciate your self interest but stating that hand washing is superior to machine washing is preposterious. Having owned and operated over 30 conveyor car washes, both hand and machine for almost 50 years, I can state that machine washing is the best. I’ve owned and washed at an automatic a 1956 MB Gullwing(current value in excess of $700K), a 2012 MB SLS(value $200K) and other exotic cars. We have and have had hundreds of thousands of customers who wash their cars with us weekly for years without any damage whatsover AND enjoy a clean and shiny car daily. Suggesting that machine washes ar better only makes washing less convenient, more time consuming and worse yet leads to driving a dirty car longer!
Rich, thank you for your feedback. We promote all car washing. In our opinion, there is nothing like the touch and feel of steam cleaning a car, especially to help it look like new again. Our clients love this about our service. ~ Angela
Jeffie, thanks. What type of information are you searching for? We’ll be adding new content all month long. ~ Angela
Being in the detail business myself I have to agree that I’m not a big fan of the automatic washes. Even though they are convenient in time they do put a toll on the exterior of a vehicle. I inform my customers that in between their hand washes to use brush-less automatic car-washes. I’ve seen damage done to antennas and custom wheels of vehicles in our area. I can’t judge ALL automatic washes because I haven’t seen them all in action, but the ones in our local area are basic and surely not equipped on handling high end vehicles or custom wheels. I will always believe hand washes are better than automatic washes until I’m proven wrong. I actually run my personal vehicle through some of our locations for research purposes on automatic washes vs hand washes and I haven’t came across any that can do what an actual hand wash can do. All vehicles don’t come thoroughly clean in an automatic wash and that hasn’t proven me wrong yet. 🙂
Thanks for your feedback. Do any of your local automatic car washes offer interior cleaning? ~ Angela
Hello, i am very very interested in establishing a drive through car wash so i would like to know all the charges needed for the whole machinery. Am in botswana.
Hi there, thanks for your post. Someone from our office will be in touch with you shortly. What interested you the most? ~ Angela
It’s been receiving “grave” reviews? You realise that’s a bad thing right? I think you mean great reviews.
Hi EB, we meant to use “grave” reviews. The reviews seem to give cause for alarm due how difficult it is to remove the wax. Have you used Turtle Wax before? If so, what was your experience? ~ Angela
First off the article should tell you to avoid gas station car washes at all costs. I went to one gas station car wash and the car wash scratched the car with the blow dryer. I went to another gas station car wash and my car wasn’t even fully cleaned. I prefer touchless car washes if possible as the car comes out really clean from them and no harm is ever done. Around here a basic car wash at a touchless place is $8 and up to $13 with all of the extras.
Snitsky999, thanks for your input. It seems that you had a bad experience with gas station car washes. Remember that not all of them are bad.
Some scratches that are just beneath the paint layer can be reduced with cutting compound and the remainder touched in with a fine artist brush. But sometimes even a light scratch if touched in can look wrong especially if the scratch in question is on multiple panels. I would use a smart repair service cheap and efficient.
Some nice tips here – I own a detailing business in CT and use some of these tips myself – wash your car in the shade AND when its cool!
Mike F.
Thanks Mike F. Are there other tips that you use that you’d like to share with our readers?
4.Meguiars Scratch X is the one I use and its very effective
Great. Just got a question about paste wax. There are some good reason to use paste wax. For example, you have a classic car that really needs a “sprucing up”, you can use paste wax. Give the wax the time it needs to shine it up. It all depends. Do you ever use paste wax?
polymer sealants do give a great finish but you cant beet a natural protectant it giving your vehicle a “three-dimensional” shine that makes the colors deeper
Steve, we have yet to see this type of sealant applied to cars. Can you tell us more?
I don’t Know about it. But Article presentation i really Nice.
Please sent me information about this product. I am living in holland and think this will be a runner
Hi Erik, Just sent you more information. Reply to that email to confirm receipt. ~ Annette
I live in the UP of Michigan. I use the auto touch less car washes a lot because it does the belly of my truck that’s gets all the road salt off. But I prefer to hand wash due to less water spots. Winters up here are brutal, and keeping the road contaminants off is a challenge. I don’t care for car washes with brushes.
Larry, it seems hand car wash is your best option. Do you do it yourself?
Using a mobile car body repair service would always work out cheaper than a body shop repair.
in turtle wax the disadvantages you’ve wrote that the effects do not last longer than a week,,what do u mean in this? do u mean that after one week the area will change to the same like before applying the compound?
Rahel, after waxing your car, your car has a high gloss. After a week that high gloss is nearly gone when using turtle wax. It’s not necessarily the same as before yet, but it doesn’t look as good as when you put the wax on. Have you used Turtle wax? What’s been your experience?
Herman, sure. Which part of the piece interest your twitter group the most?
These are major tips for mobile car care. Thanks BAsafa for posting this article.
I bought a brand new dark colored car recently (my first that wasn’t a light color) and am already noticing swirl marks in the clear coat in bright light conditions. I bought a bottle of the Turtle Wax Scratch and Swirl Remover and am waiting until the weather cools off a bit to try it out. The scratches are incredibly fine (can only be seen from certain angles in certain lighting) so i’m hoping this will do the trick.
Hi there. How do you clean your car? Any idea where the swirl marks are coming from? ~ Annette
Detailing experts, there are too many of them with no expertise. I’ve been in the business 45 years and have seen everything come and go. There is no scratch remover available unless you consult a professional detail shop. There is dry buff and wet buff. I won’t use Turtle Wax on a bicycle, it’s all about process and technique. 3M bought out Meguiars some years back, so you can expect high prices for an inferior product, unless you use M-105/M-205 and the proper equipment, then you will lose all your scratches..
Hi there! How often do you use M-105/M-205? Do you find that clients are satisfied with the results? We appreciate talking to experts, like yourself. ~ Annette
Your first step in winterizing should be to make a checklist of all items that need to be accomplished. Check the owner’s manual of your boat for manufacturer’s recommendations on winterization.
Hi, we agree with your initial steps. Do you provide assistance to your boat owners? ~ Annette
I have used both carnauba waxes and polymer sealants and I cannot really tell the difference in the “Depth of Color” between the two. Both really shine nicely but I can say that the synthetic polymer sealants last a lot longer and are a powerful water repellent. Northwestern Penna. winters are tough and the synthetic sealants do a much better job! Also, very easy to apply and wipe off!
Uncle Sam, how long have you been using both Carnauba wax and polymer sealants? It seems you have a good handle on the difference between the two. ~ Annette
Nu Finish Scratch Doctor works well for light scratches, scuff marks, and swirls. It is easy to use and takes out about 60 per cent of the problem. Dark paint jobs show everything including the swirls marks from car wash brushes or dealer prep jockey boys.
Gordon, how do you handle dark paint jobs? Lots of our readers are looking for options. We have our techniques, but always open to hear what others do. ~ Annette
Jimmie, for the carwash services that you offer, do you use steam methods?
Detailed cars really do stand out. From Fiestas to Ferraris, our customers are often surprised at how much better their car looks even if they have been regularly looking after it themselves
Fellow automobile detailer, we agree that detailed cars really stand out. How long have you been detailing cars? ~ Annette
Some 20 years ago, I purchased a 92 BMW. By the way, I still have it. Took it back to the dealer to have a rear-deck spoiler put on. In the process, the kid affixing the spoiler completely scratched up the rear driver side quarter panel. I couldn’t believe it! The manager went inside got some type of 3M product and hand buffed the quarter panel for about 20 minutes. All of the scratches were gone and have never returned. Sure wish I knew what 3M product he used.
HLJ, We researched 3M products in the past and haven’t run across one that does what you describe. Let us know if you think of the name, we’d be happy to test it. ~ Annette
Very handy tips. Thanks!
Tip 5: Wash your car on gravel or a grassy lawn. Why? Use Freedom carwash products those are biodegradable and this way you can wash your car waterless everywhere and always.
Regina, we’ve never tried Coca-Cola to remove rust before. Would love some before and after photos? Have any? ~ Annette
Annie, thanks for your comment. We all must do our part to properly dispose of hazardous car waste. How do you handle it? ~ Annette
Tennille, Thanks for the vote of confidence. We’ve be working at it for a while. How about you – how long have you be in the auto body repair business? ~ Annette
Detailing is particularly important in the limo industry. Limo’s need to be in pristine condition when picking up clients. These are all great tips when you don’t have the time to take the car in to see the detailer.Doing these things regularly will reduce the need for more extensive cleaning.
Hi Gem Limo, we agree. Your limo has to be immaculate at all times and that takes care and effort. How do you keep your limo immaculately detailed? ~ Annette
Hi fellow car detailer. With 22 years of experience, you’ve probably seen it all. Do you currently use steam to clean autos? ~ Annette
I have a blue ray metalic 2013 camero went xmas shopping someone key my car. Its a white thin line not a service but a lil deep 10′ to 12′ long what can I use .
Oops!!! surface scratch
TA’Phawn, thank you for adding the extra comment – that it’s a surface scratch. For surface scratches vs. deep scratches, you can use a premium wax filler. It will not only fill the surface; it will also give you a high gloss shine. On rare occasions you may have to treat it more than once. Have you used a premium wax filler before? ~ Annette
Hey EB you were quick to post the word grave being used in the wrong context but maybe you should check yourself first.In your post you spelled realize “realise”.I could imagine you pronouncing it like that.Lmao
There is no doubt that a nice smelling vehicle is important, especially when you work in the transportation service industry. This is a great tip for making your own!
Have you tried to make your own car air freshener? I have and it’s a pretty cool experience. ~ Annette
Right, state laws dictate how dark you tint can be. What does Arizona’s law say? ~ Annette
Thank you so much for this advice. The detergent/vinegar solution removed a catastrophic ink stain from my Pilot. I really really appreciate this.
Luann, we’re glad we could help. How long did it take you to remove the “catastrophic ink stain”? ~ Annette
I own two self-serve car washes in Oklahoma City. I also have a start-up business of detailing motorcycles. The information I just read says nothing about regional weather. Four details a day would require a lot of advertising exposure to attract customers and create a base of people committed to repeat business every three months. There is no mention of the day you break even! Even a minimum investment of $65,000 takes 433.3 units detailed without attention to soft costs. How long would it take to build a customer base when your detailing season is affected by weather? We had 21 days of rain in June this year. I am not being negative as I am entering the world of detailing and my customer base is growing, but you won’t do four details a day when it’s raining. Don’t forget the 10 days a wash will stand still waiting for the snow to melt. That 10 days equates to 40 details lost and then the backlog hits when the sun returns. I have worked 14 hours a day for 5 days straight after a good weather event. South of us today 7/17/14, Sanger, Texas had 9 inches of rain! I35 is closed to Dallas! Car Washes are under water! As for motorcycles in Oklahoma, we are considered a state that you can ride 12 months out of the year. Maybe so, but wind at 20 mph in your face at 60mph produces quite a wind chill! Most bikes live in the garage a good part of this time of year and they are not getting dirty! I am committed to my services as it is paying for my daughter’s college education. Negative attitude has no place in a business we speak of! Thanks for your time in reading this.
Later, “Old George”
Please advice me on the procedures I need to open 1 in Namibia
My dad got a 2013 Ford Taurus the same week I got a 2013 Ford Edge, and since day one, I have never gone through an automatic car wash. He, on the other hand, has gone through them monthly since he got the Taurus. When both are washed, they both look clean up until 10 feet away. That’s when you start seeing the dirt and brake dust in the spokes of the rims, the filthy wheel wells, etc. on his car. Once you get up close, you see water spots and crazy swirls in his paint. Being a detailer, I paint corrected my Edge with Shine Supply products the day I got it to get rid of the orange peel texture that Ford cheaply paints on their vehicles. Since then I’ve used shine supply’s products to wash and wax my Edge biweekly, and it’s remained flawless. The question is nonexistent whether the hand detailing is better than running through car washes. Even the best automatic+hand washes around here like auto bell leave swirls and water spots in the places the teenagers working there don’t feel like reaching. The biggest pleasure in cleaning my car is knowing that I’ve done everything and detailed every spot I know to clean, without having to walk around the car and question what the carwash missed or scratched up.
My dad is perfectly content with how his car looks when he runs it through a carwash, but to him, his car is merely a tool. The way you wash your car reflects how much you care about your vehicle/what your vehicle means to you. My Edge (his name is Ziggy) is my pride and gleaming joy.
Hi Chris. Thanks for sharing your story. How long have you been a detailer? ~ Annette
Interested in getting a quote to clean my catering trailer.
Thanks, Joe
Does Meguiars scratch x really work to take out scratches of my car
I have a PT Cruiser convertible I purcased for my wife. Cute car but it smells of mildew. The dealer covered it up but now we smell it all the time. Can you remove the smell.
I am EMEKA I want to start a car wash business in PORT Harcourt, Nigeria.
Could you please advise me on how to go about it .
Looking forward to your advise.
Best regards,
Emeka Alaribe
Hi there , i am very very interested in
starting a drive through car wash so i
would like to know all the charges needed
for the whole machinery, im in a country that has no drive through or touch less car wash and id like to have the opportunity to be the first.
Hi Malik,
Thanks for visiting us. That’s great! Having a car wash in an area such as yours is a good opportunity. We recommend you to read the following posts in our franchise site.
Great ways to conserve water. More awareness needs to be raised among car washes!
Hi Ifrah. Thank you for the green awareness. Tell us more about Green Global Travel. ~ Annette
I am interested in finding more about a car steam cleaning machine
Hi Miguel,
Thanks for visiting our blog. Here’s a post that can help you out:
I have a silver mrs that the local racoon put in some nasty scratches but they seem to be only surface deep in the clear coat. No metal is showing& when u rub your hand over the scratch its smooth. Will nu finish work ok>
Hi Bill,
Thanks for reading our blog. We appreciate it.
Yes, if the surface is smooth, Nu Finish can provide a temporary solution. Think of it as a band-aid treatment for those scratches.You may also want to read to the following posts:,,
What do you charge to steam clean a 2006 Sunaru Impreza engine? How do you protect the electrical? Where do you do this service and when can u do it?
Hi Jim,
Thanks for dropping by. Here’s our response to your queries:
What do we charge: How we wish you have attached a photo of your engine so we can give you a proper assessment. We charge according to a variety of factors, such as the ones listed here:,
How we protect the electrical:
We are mobile so we can do engine detailing anytime, anywhere. The only thing that may stop us from doing so is if your location is not covered by any of our franchisees.
Some people thought we were a little nuts for adding in a self-service dog wash at our car wash, but so far it has really worked out and customers seem to love it. I would highly recommend adding a dog wash to your car wash. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Ken,
Thanks! That’s great news. We’re glad that it worked out for you. How much has your car wash improved since you added a self-service dog wash?
I gave tree sap STAINS. I bought the car with them. Can anyone tell me if they can be polishied out or am I stuck with sap stains on my BLACK CAR 🙁
Hi Amanda,
Thanks for stopping by. We really appreciate it.
Generally, tree sap stains can be removed by using a clay bar on a car’s surface. Then, it will be buffed, waxed and polished. However, you forgot to mention how old your car is, which is very important. Fresh tree sap attracts dirt and debris. Left unattended, rain, snow, wind and heat can cause that stain (with dirt and debris) to sink deeper into the paint, making it very difficult to remove.
But don’t worry. You don’t have to be stuck with a black car with tree sap stains. A visit to detail experts can solve your issue. They have the necessary tools and techniques to restore your car to a like new appearance.
I use CarPro PERL which is water based and can provide both a glossy or satin finish.
Hi Steve,
That’s great! Can you tell us more about it?
Wow, I never thought about all these benefits to mobile detailing. I think that it is awesome that some detailing businesses are willing to come to you. Plus, if the cleaning and detailing could improve your health, then I should probably consider it more seriously! In fact, I might start calling up some companies for quotes today.
I have a 2001 chevy s10 pickup and my grandkid rubbed it with fine grid sandpaper but left lots of scratches in the clearcoat what scatch remover kits would be best for me to use on that my truck really looks bad there are ALOT of scratches
Hi Angie,
Thank you for visiting our site.
We understand how you feel. A truck with lots of scratches is definitely not a pretty sight to behold.
It would have been easier to suggest a product if you sent a photo of the scratches so we can properly assess the extent and the depth of the damage to the clear coat. If they are hairline scratches, then buffing and polishing your truck’s surface or applying one of the featured products here may do the trick. Now, if the scratches are deeper, then, only expert detailers can help you.
All the products we have featured are effective but you have to understand that these only work for small, minor scratches. Some do work for larger ones but only for a short period of time.
Please don’t ignore your truck’s condition. A damaged clear coat can lead to more serious and expensive repairs later on.
Saved the day removing ink spots on our car seat- Bitter Solution (vinegar mix) with Sweet Results! Thanks
Hi Cristobal,
You’re welcome. We’re glad the post helped you out. Please feel free to browse our blog for more car care tips and tricks.
I just use the Turtle Wax – Scratch & Swirl Remover on the hood of my car to remove some minor scratches. It wasn’t hard to remove but did zip zero nada to remove anything. I glad it was cheap, $2.47 at Wal-Mart, even at that price it was a waste of money.
Hi Annie,
Sorry to hear about that. Have you also tried the other products listed here? You might also want to check out this post:
This worked really well for me.
Hi Alva,
That’s great! Thanks for sharing. Can you tell us more about it?
I have a dark blue car with tree sap stains on the roof i have removed all the debris off but left with etched in marks.Thanks
Hi Vernon,
If etching has already occurred, then buffing the area is usually the best solution. These posts might help you out:
For best results, a visit to detail experts in your area is recommended.
Paint Protection Film maintains the beauty and integrity of automotive finishes on vulnerable exterior painted surfaces such as leading hood edges, fender end caps and rocker panels. This rugged urethane film helps protect against stone chips, bug damage, abrasion and weathering.
Thanks for sharing, Marvin.
Very very use full.hope get more.
Thank you.
Hi Charles, thank you for the compliment. What type of car wash sales tactics do you currently use? ~ Annette
Can you please help me to find tire dressing to sale 5 liters how much can you give it too me .how much would it coast me.
Hi Rajni Bhalla
The best organic product we can find is 3M Engine and Tire Dressing Concentrate. It’s cheapest at, where you can get a gallon (5 liters) for only $34.99.
We hope this helps.
does the castor oil provide any uv protectant benefits to the tires?
i have tried the above method except the use of alcohol and let the tires dry naturally. the castor oil worked really well on the tires.i also have meguires hyper dressing with the uv protectants that works really well also.
just wondering about the castor oils uv protectants if there is any.
how long should you wait before applying tire dressing to brand new tires? thank you.
We have plan to start a new car wash station in Dubai (U.A.E) under franchise, it would be of great help if you can provide some reference in this regard
Super glue? I dont think so
Hi Soi,
Thanks for visiting us.
Super glue, like the rest of the items in the list, is just a home remedy, not a long-term solution. In your opinion, why is glue not a possible remedy for a car scratch?
Best thing I’ve found for leather seats is regular hand lotion. Just pump your hands full and rub away, condition you hands and seat at the same time.
Remember leather is just polished skin!
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the info. How long have you been using regular hand lotion on your leather car seats?
Toothpaste doesn’t work. Tried it just made it worse.
Hi Rina,
Thanks for sharing. Can you please tell us more about your experience? How did toothpaste make the scratch worse?
Hi I just took some scratches out of my sister car with toothpaste maybe it made your car worst because it not white
Thanks for sharing, Hassan. Glad that the toothpaste worked for your sister’s car. Have you tried the other remedies?
I agree with your tip about heavy duty floor mats. My car is rather old and is a hand-me-down from my brothers and sisters. They have not always been very clean, so the car has a lot of stains on the interior, and doesn’t look very great. On top of this, I have young kids so they often spill and make messes in my car. However, I think that if I purchased better floor mats I would be able to keep it cleaner; so thank you for the advice!
Thanks, Natalie. Glad that this article helped you out. Have you considered the other tips here?
I think that most people prefer vehicle detailing if they want to maintain their vehicle for a longer period of time. It is an interesting comparison though.
Yes, we agree. The good thing is more and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of vehicle detailing, from increasing the durability of their prized possessions to safeguarding their health and protecting the environment, don’t you think?
it also makes mileage go down because of air flow over the car makes the car lighter so it is less gas wich saves money.
We agree, jjjh. Anything else that you’d like to share on this topic?
I tried clear nail polish and it worked great for some small scratches! It replaces the clear coat which is probably all that’s scratched! Check out some other great ideas here!
Hi Christina,
Thanks for sharing!
Could you sent to me catalouge for all products and all price list becouse I hope to be the agent Kuwait
Best regards
My car had a 3cm x 25cm area that had scratches along one side. Before reading this I tried regular dishwashing scrub sponge with some detergent with no difference. Then I tried the toothpaste (on a toothbrush) and it worked beautifully…. Thank you
Thank you, Raine, for sharing this with us. Glad that the toothpaste remedy worked for you. Would you recommend this remedy to a friend?
A friend of mine had it car keyed last weekend and it’s quite similar to the picture you have posted above. Luckily for him, it didn’t cut through the paint and only the clearcoat. This is a huge deciding factor is how you go about repairing the scratch. I’ll have to show him the wet sanding method even though it is quite tricky to do. If he rejects my help, I’ll tell him to go to a body shop.
My 2004 Honda CRV is is great shape with only about 50,000 miles on it.
I clean the engine myself and not with steam. I first spray the engine when its “hot” with some engine cleaner. I then use a brush to scrub it. Then I simply hose it down and its all done. On occasion, I do use a “silicone” spray to give it some “shine”, and I”m all done!..And,let me tell you, just looking at that clean and shiny engine does give me a kick!…I would also advise anyone wanting to sell their car to clean the hell out of that engine. It would surely
be a terrific way to sell a car.So, “Don’t ever sell your car with a dirty engine!”..
As for my “gorgeous like new Honda with only “eleven” thousand miles on it, I’ll NEVER EVER sell it!..I’m eighty-four years old and have instructed my “heirs” to have me buried in my car, although the grave has got to be “huge, huge, huge!”..
Hi Sal Pedi,
Wow! You must really love your car. Like you, seeing clean engines give us a kick. How about sharing some pictures of your beloved car?
Dear all,
I am from Pakistan & related to a car wash business.
I m searching for best solotion which is best in performance for business use as well as reasonable in price.
Kindly guide.
need start up inf
I own a black car that is difficult to keep clean. It is also a convertible so I cannot take it thru automatic car washes. This adds up to a continually dirty car, something I do not like. Please help. Do you have any stores in FL?
Hi Patricia,
Thanks for visiting. Yes, we have locations in Florida. You can check them here: You might also want to read our article about detailing black cars here:
Good Day guys. I am living in UAE and we seriously having issues regarding dirt, salt air, oxidation etc. Steam wash is one of its kind method to get rid of all these. I have made up a schedule to clean my car as follows; Steam wash every third month. Full Manual body wash (including body, engine, underneath areas) one time a month and body wash once or twice depending on time if i have i go with twice a month. Steam wash not only removes all dirt, derbies, Soot from road but also oxidation from car body. Gentlemen try it and you will love it…
Researching various franchise opportunities
1994 mack truck red cab. price for buff and wax .Thank you.
I have only tried harley wax and to be honest it wasent great. Meguiars wax is what I buy now days.
Thanks for sharing. Can you tell us more?
Thanks for letting us know. Can you tell us more about your experience with both? What didn’t you like about Harley Wax? What made you choose Meguiar’s?
2006 mustang engine dirty and oily smelling how much to clean. Live in 92596 area
Hi Edwin,
Thanks for visiting. We’d like to help you, but we need to see some pictures.
Can the the peeling of the film be stopped after it has appeared in two or three small patches. Thanks
Hi Ivan H,
We’d like to help you, but we need to see some pictures so we can properly assess the damage.
Used 2 diff turtle wax scratch n shine remover on my black harley….DID NUTHIN didley sqat
Same shine as anthying else but still got all the tiny little scratches..
Taken back to the shop like the fist one…
Hi Doug,
Sad to hear that they didn’t work for you. How deep were those tiny little scratches? Can you show us some pictures?
Toothpaste worked on my car…I scratched on concrete wall at laundry.
Hi Rachel,
That’s good to know. We’re glad our tips helped you. Would you like to tell us more?
How to remove ink stain from the plastic around the cup holders on the front?thanks
Hi Anabel,
Thanks for dropping by. You can try rubbing the area with a cotton swab dipped in Isopropyl Alcohol. If the cotton swab can’t remove all ink traces from the crevices, brushing them with an old toothbrush might do the trick. Be sure to have some paper towels handy to prevent the remaining ink and alcohol from damaging unaffected areas. Please let us know if this helps.
I have the same issue. 3 small (1 to 2″ dia.) on the roof. Happens that I waxed that area 1/2 what I did the rest of it out of laziness. How do I send you a picture?
Hi Tim,
You can post your pictures here or email us at [email protected].
The toothpast works really good ?????
Hi Miriam,
Great! Can you tell us more? How did the toothpaste work on your car’s scratch?
Very interesting information and great tips to use the car polisher for washing the car in perfect way. Going to implement these tips to my clients.
The seats in your car are important and hold as much value as the exterior of your car. Great tips thanks for sharing.
Hi, if I use toothpaste to remove a fine scratch should I use microfibre cloth or a soft bristle tootbrush? Tnx
Hi CJ,
It’s always best to use a microfiber cloth. Here are some articles that you might be interested in:, and
Great post after a very long time i found some useful stuff here thanks for share.
Thanks for dropping by. Which part did you find most useful?
Any ideas where to purchase a auto steam cleaner? I NEED a good cleaning on my carpet and seats!!! Thank You.
Hi Gene,
Here’s an article for your reference:
This article helps you understand about the different ingredients that are used in popular car shampoos. The next time you visit your car grooming provider, you will be able to choose the best product to clean your car after understanding about these ingredients.
#4… appears as though a person would turn off the flush [water flow] before they run the engine out of fuel. If they did they would destroy the water pump.
Hi Bob,
Can you tell us more?
Hi Dave! Thanks.
How to I purchase a machine
Hi Troy Young,
Here’s an article for your reference: Hope it helps.
Hello! I’ve been following youyr wweb site for
some time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead
aand give you a shout out fromm Lubbock Texas!
Just wanted to tell you keep up the fantastic job!
Thank you very much, mothers World. We will do our best to continue providing you with the latest and reliable information on car care.
After applying a paint sealant to my car, its clearcoat started to peel showing little pin head white spots in an area. I just want to now if applying another coat of sealant will help to slow down the peeling process or would it be worst.
Where can I send some pics?
Hi Roy,
Thank you for dropping by. You can post your photos here or email us at [email protected].
happy to read your wonderful car detailing post. we have also some best option of car detailing, feel free to check with us also.
Glad to provide our readers with worthwhile truck and car care tips and articles.
I am interested in opening a new car wash in my area (PJ) and am wondering if you guys provide any franchising for this?
Charcoal briquettes are NOT activated charcoal and do nothing. They do not soak up smell. And even using activated charcoal it has to have air flow through it to clean it. It’s a common misconception.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for your input. We would love to know more about this topic because we have not found a scholarly article that negates the ability of charcoal to eliminate odors. We’ll be very thankful if you can show us such an article. We can use that information in the future.
Hi Kathy,
You can try Mother’s California Gold Pure Brazilian Carnauba Wax. For application tips, please see You might also want to read Please let us know how it goes. Thanks!
I am unable to wash my car at my apartment. I live in WI where they salt the roads, so I find myself washing very frequently. Whats your option on the best way to wash my car if I am unable to wash at home?
Hi Nick,
Washing your car frequently is not the solution to your issue. The secret to excellent salt removal lies in the method. We recommend the use of steam as it effectively dissolves salt from all areas of a vehicle, even old salt deposits in hard-to-reach areas. No worries about not being able to clean your car at home either. You can opt for mobile detailing services. This way, you can have your car cleaned right where you want. And for extra protection, try to have your car waxed too.
You might also want to read the following articles:
My favorite of all time after trying quite a few is instafinish/warner chemical. I think they are the same. They don’t have brushes and towels, but the products are good.
Hi Greg Bowner,
Thanks for sharing! Can you please tell us more?
I have a question what will be the suggested price for a small size car exterior and interior cleaning and or Exterior only.? Thats if I go door to door?
where is the best online place to buy and what machine you recommend to work door to door , does LGP steam car wash machine is worthy?
I wouldn’t use wd40 as it could dissolve plastic parts/wire insulation. A nice plastic-safe silicone spray would be a better choice.
Hi David,
Thanks for sharing. What brand of plastic-safe silicone spray have you tried?
I got deep scratches on my car 🙁 can you help me with it
Hi Deepak Arya,
Thanks for dropping by. We’ll need some good photos of the scratches on your car. You can post them here or send them at [email protected].
Awesome and very detailed!!!
Hi Emory! Thank you for the feedback. ~ Angela
I see no mention of sewing the materials together or foam backing , as an upholstery person, I think you have over simplified the process. Also in modern vehicles you have to deal with heated seats, air conditioned seats, air bags within the seats which will be negated by stretching material over them. I do think your method will do ok on party barge seats and so on .
Thanks for your input, Ron. We’d appreciate if you can tell us more.
I am interested such car wasing industries , I am in Ahmedabad Gujarat INDIA. I have big shade for this car washing area which type machinery require for doing such business, Can you furnish total details regarding unit,
your prompt reply will be highly appriciated,
Thanking you,
Ramesh Panchal Mobile +91 093270 55211
Country : INDIA.
On May 18, 2016 I bought a 2016 Dodge Challenger in plum crazy. Do you recommend that i immediately have it professionally waxed?
I just washed it and it looks spectacular, but I would like to maintain this look as long as I drive the car!
Ron Beck
Hi Ronald,
Yes, we do recommend a professional waxing for your car – immediately. This will help prevent a lot of car paint issues later on. For more information, please read the following posts:
I got deep scratches on my car how to fix it can u help me.
Hi Ravi,
Thanks for reaching out. As much as we’d like to help you, we need to see pictures of your car’s scratches. That way, we can assess the damage and give you proper advice. Please send your photos to: [email protected]
I got a deep line of scratch because some fool scratch it in the parking, could you please tell the best solution to remove it without going for garage.
Hi Aejaz,
So sorry to hear that. Can you please take a photo of your car scratch so we can properly assess the damage? Please send it to [email protected].
I use a water based gloss varnish and last for ever.
That’s great, Phil! Can you tell us more about it?
I too, suggest folex and APC, both have worked great for me.
Btw, That 50/50 looks awesome my man
Thanks for your suggestion, Lilian. On what types of stains do Folex and APC work best? Please tell us more.
Used the cleanser “vim” which is usually used for bath tubs and so-on. Removed the Rain X film like a champ! Had tried other products with no success.. the cheapest readily available option was the solution!
Thanks for sharing, John. Can you please tell us more?
I am interested in a purchasing a machine? Possibly a franchise. Thanks
Toothpaste works well on my sisters car scratches. Its good home remedy for small scratches
Thanks for sharing, Vijay M. Can you tell us more? Possibly share some before and after photos of your sister’s car scratches?
Looking for a detail for older Honda Accord. Moved here eight months ago and still have not found a good detail person
Hi Pamala,
Sorry to hear that. You forgot to state where you are located. Please check our locations page here: We might have a detailer close to your area.
i have a perferm odor in a used car i have. its is pretty bad. i have chemiical sensitives too. any advice on how to get odor out using organic products would be appreciated. I live in Knoxville Tennessee 37922. Can you put me in touch with someone who does this?
Toothpaste works!!
Hi Aishwarya,
Thanks for letting us know. Can you tell us more?
I have found it depends on what the fragrance is from…cologne/perfume? Detailing shampoos? or air fresheners. For the slightest exposures like if someone wearing perfume rode in your car once, then wiping down the surfaces, airing it out, using baking soda and zeolite crystals seem to work. I have found it IMPOSSIBLE to get the air freshener smells out of vehicles no matter what we tried short of stripping it down to the metal. I can still detect them after multiple fragrance-free shampooing and ozoning. For an RV that had an old “vanilla” tree-shaped air freshener in it, we ripped out all the carpet and scrubbed everything. Nope. We had someone else live in the RV fragrance free for 5 years and it was still too strong for me so we sold it! I wish people understood how toxic that stuff is and the links to asthma in kids, and other health problems. Aside from the fact that they may mask other issues like mold that is best taken care of ASAP.
Thanks for sharing, Sue.
Interested in more info. In Oregon.I think it’s a great idea.
I have received mild scratch on my matt blue fascino. Will toothpaste work on such colors?
Hi Aniket,
Generally, toothpaste works on mild car scratches. The question is, how mild is the scratch? Would it be possible for you to send us some photos of the scratch so we can give you proper advice?
Hie,I want to start a mobile detailing business, we don’t have anyone offering hands on training in Zimbabwe,I want to learn through DVDs and tips and testimonials from you guys and others,pliz help
Please can I have questions for this equipment
Does toothpaste remedy works for scratches on black car also? Plz help
Hi Shivangi,
Toothpaste works on minor scratches, but since you have a black car, why not try black shoe polish instead? Like toothpaste, it can serve as a temporary filler to “mask” the minor scratches on your car’s paint. I hope it helps.
Sir is there any remedy to clean my scratch which I got on my silver car my car strucks somewhere the car got coloured scratch
Hi Mohit,
Thanks for reaching out. It would be very helpful if you can send some photos of your car scratch so we can properly assess it. You can send them to: [email protected]
My dog just decided to chase a cat under my black bmw there are scratches all over my hood but not all are and because they show white does that mean that they are paste the black paint rub out point i’m devastated my husband is going kill us both lol n/r
Hi Leann,
So sorry to hear that. Can you please show us some photos of your car’s scratches so we can assess the damage done? Without the photos, we cannot recommend any solution. You can send the photos to [email protected]
I used the toothpaste and worked after two tries but i wet tbe scratches then dried before applying toothpaste
Hi Michael Barnes,
Glad it worked out for you! How long did the toothpaste remedy last on your car scratch? Can you please share more?
Please call me at cell number 803 269 4416. Keith automotive
worked beautifully
Hi Kavoris King,
Thanks for reaching out. Which of the remedies did you try? Can you tell us more about it?
In my car bird is made two number means pooty it is very drak we cant remove it with any sollusion plz help us it is not going
Hi Deyan,
Thanks for reaching out. We’re awfully sorry to hear that. But as much as we’d like to help you, we need photos of the damaged area of your vehicle. Please send them to: [email protected].
Hi I have a question it doesn’t have to do with rain x but I got my car stolen and when I finally got it back my car windows have a whitish film to it and I don’t know if they smoked something in my car I can not get that stuff off I’ve tried Windex and it just makes it worse and it was already hard to see out of my shields so any solution for me would be greatly appreciated please email if you have or any body has the anwser for me thank you for your time have a great weekend ?
Hi Debbie,
We’re very sorry to hear about that. But in order to help you, we need some photos of your car. Please send them at [email protected]. Also, is the whitish film inside or outside your windows?
Hi, i am very interested in
starting a drive through car wash so i
would like to know all the charges needed
for the whole machinery, i’m in a country that has no drive through or touch less car wash and i’d like to have the opportunity to be the first.and tips on how to use the equipment. thanks
We are used truck dealers, and onsite auctioneers of all commercial vehicles including trucks. Most of the trucks that are entered for auctions are from construction industry and as such are carry a lot of dirt.
We are planning of introducing a Truck Cleaning facility at our site. Since water cleaning is a municipality issue, we were thinking of Steam Cleaning. Would you be so kind to give me some information on what type of steam cleaners you use and the manufacturers please. Any information is appreciated.
Thank you so much.
Antonio Braganza
Hi. I have some minor scratches on my plastic bumper. Will toothpaste work on this. My car is electric blue.
Hi Helen,
Thanks for dropping by. Can you please send us some photos to help us assess the minor damages properly? You can send them at [email protected]
I really like Miracle Glaze I have tried almost all of the reviewed products and none seem to live up to the no sling like MG does.
Hi Geoffrey,
Thanks for sharing. Can you please tell us more about Miracle Glaze?
I have tried my best to take care of my car, and was wondering how to take care of the electrical aspects. I had no idea that you should regularly clean the connection point of wires. I will have to take it in and see if there is anything wrong before I do that.
I have scratch on ma white active..nd the white paint polish is scratched. Plz suggest how can i remove it?? Is there a spray for it ?
Hi Juhi,
Sad to hear about that. How deep is the scratch? If your fingernail can fit into the scratch, then, that is deep. Here are some blog posts that may help you out:
My son has a white Pontiac G6 , parked next to house that was being painted. He used Goo Gone and 3000 pad to get paint off then when washed and dried the results are sad. Swirl and burn marks all over the hood. I can see some swirls deep through the clear coat. Is there a product to use to clean this up. Wondering about the Turttle Wax Scratch and Swirl remover
Hi Darian D.,
So sad to hear that. Please send some photos of the damaged areas so we can properly assess and suggest possible solutions/remedies. Thanks!
Hi yes toothpaste worked to some extent but its quite in few cm of length and my car is orange in colour please help me out…
Hi Anik Pal,
Thanks for dropping by. As much as we’d love to help you out, we need some photos to properly assess and suggest remedies for the scratch on your orange car. You can send the photos to: [email protected]. Thanks!
Send me this product detail in india
How to buy in india
Iam ashame to say it be I have a 2013 Chevrolet Malibu three years I have prostate problems my seat is in real bad shape the rest are in bad shape too but not like my seat it’s is real bad shape too so I need my seats back like they were can your help William Goodner
Hi William Goodner,
We’re so sorry to hear that. But as much as we’d like to help you, we need photos to properly assess the issue and suggest probable solutions.
in RESPONSES above, John mentioned using VIM cleanser to remove Rain-X from windshield. There are many VIM products as seen on the website
I’d like to know VIM product worked. Thanks.
I’d like to know which of the many VIM products specifically.
I’ve been professionally detailing interiors and exteriors at Ziebart for almost a year and I can say my skin is messed up pretty bad right now (dried out and cracking) not to mention the toll it takes on your body doing this day in and out. Definitely not the end of the road for me as I plan to move to a different field completely. That’s not to say I don’t have a new found appreciation for a finely detailed car, just not my dream is all.
I got a deep line of scratch because some fool scratch it in the parking, could you please tell the best solution to remove it without going for garage.
Hi Nivaas,
Thanks for visiting us. How deep is it? Please send some pictures to [email protected] so we can assess the damage properly.
Hi my car got a deep scratched and i have tried the toothpaste but it didnt work. is there any other remedies that i could use?
Hi Helga,
Sorry to hear that. Home remedies like toothpaste only work on light surface scratches. how deep is the scratch? Please send some pictures to [email protected] so we can assess the damage properly.
Does toothpaste will work in grey colour
Hi Rachita,
Thanks for reaching out. It really depends on how deep the car scratch is. Can you please send some photos to [email protected] so we can properly assess the damage?
Hi, please help me about the chemical stain in my leather car seat, it spread now all over the seat. Which product should I use to remove it.
Hi Joy,
Sorry to hear about that. What kind of chemical stained your leather car seat? Can you please send us some pictures to [email protected] so we can properly assess the damage?
good ma.
pls give me details on how i can make polish for car tire.
Hi Faruq,
Thanks for visiting. Sure, here’s the article that explains how to do it:
What if the stain is on leather seating?
Hi Reginald,
These tips are also good for leather seats. You just have to be careful. Isolate the affected area to prevent further damage.
I tried using toothpaste but i dries the surface and added more thin line scratches. Help
Hi Ariel,
So sorry to hear that. Did you try it on an inconspicuous area first?
Do all kinds of toothpaste works when it comes to removing scratches???? Please replyyy
Hi Naman,
Thanks for dropping by. As we mentioned in the blog post, “Home remedy options are recommended for minor car scratches only. Take note, however, that they may not be applicable for all types of scratches.”
I just bought a silver sport Jeep Patriot and I was cleaning the Card hood with a dual sponge on one side and Brillo on the other and I rubbed a small circular motion on the Brillo side by mistake a left small scratches on the hood, the car has a high gloss shine but it shows. Do you know what home remedies I can use that you know of to take it out or at least blend it with the silver color so it does not show. Please help! Thank you. Miguel
Hi Miguel,
Sorry that had to happen to your Jeep. Can you please send some photos to [email protected] so we can properly assess the damage?
question i had to remove a name one my sailboat that was painted on so i had to do some sanding to remove it , think the gel coat may have been damaged. Question what should i do to put the nice finish back
Howard thanks
Hi Howard,
Thanks for visiting! Here are some articles that you might find helpful:
I hope they help you out. if nothing works, I highly suggest you have it repaired by pro detailers.
Good day can i get a price of 5 liter of tireshine please
Hi Michael,
Thanks for dropping by. I only found 5 gallons. Here’s a site that you might want to check out:
My black honda city have scratches on the bumper does toothpaste works to remove?
Hi Shiek,
We’re sad to hear about your car. How deep are the scratches? A good way to test this is the fingernail technique. If you can insert your fingernail in the scratches, then toothpaste can’t help. You can also send us some photos so we can assess the damage properly.
Good article! Enrich your vehicle with best quality cleaning products from M2all, It has the wide range of high quality car cleaning products. check out at
today i washed my car as well as complete under hood with pressure water ,car washer did not cover any engine part after washed i started the car but just crank not start washer opened the hood of car and clean distribution plastic cap after start my car when i drove car i observed that car exelator power up down and various noises what reason not come sound in normally during feel painfully with the noises the sound and just parked the car kindly guide me
Hi Hasan,
Please visit this link: It lists down different car noises. Check out which type of noise is coming from your car.
Hi….Does toothpaste work for long period even after Washing…?
Hi Rahul,
Home remedies like toothpaste provide temporary solutions. For best results, you’ll need to visit professional detailers.
Will any tootpaste works in any colour
Hi Joel,
Generally, yes, any toothpaste works on any colour. It’s not the colour that makes toothpaste work on scratches, but the abrasives it contains.
I have white car and have little light scratches on it so can you tell me which method will help more
Hi Ajay,
Sad to hear of your car’s scratches. But we need to see pictures so we can properly assess the damage. You can send them at [email protected].
Hello, my car is a dark blue color and I had recently backed my car out into a small decline in the road that forced my bumper to hit a wall. When I checked it out there were subtle dents that made the places a white color to my paint. Does the toothpaste remedy work for this?
Hi Linda,
Sorry to hear that. As much as we’d like to answer your question, we’ll need to see pictures so we can assess the damage properly. You can send the to [email protected].
I lived in Detroit and worked at Mac’s car wash on Evergreen. Ialso worked at Jaxs car wash in Rochester Hills. I have done it all at a car wash, but i loved detailing. I moved to California and the detail business is a little different instead of snow and ice its sand. My question is I see opportunity here and Im starting my detail business. I detailed here, but Detroit style is much better than there’s, and they hate on it. so I decided to open my own detail shop at my house hoping to expand. Im not great at cleaning engines yet, but great at everything else. I have clean some cars and they love it should I start small then expand and give it a MOTOR CITY name along with the services.
I haven’t got a scratch…another car has just touched mine slightly and left a coat of white dust that can’t be removed…any solutions?
Hi Ken,
Based on your query, it’s paint transfer. Here’s an article that will help you address the issue: Try it, then please let us know how it goes.
Hi there,
I got a nasty scratch on my car,while crossing between two vehicles.A small part of the rear bumper tore off…I mean the earlier painted area,which had some kind of putty…besides which there is a long scratch on the back left door…what shout I do to cover the scratches?
Hi Ajay,
Sad to hear about that. How deep is the scratch? It would help us give proper recommendations if we see some images. You can send them to [email protected].
Interested in a franchise. Please send more information. Thank you.
Just use AutoGym Glass Polish from Halfords. Works for 100%.
I got scratches on my yamha scooty red coloured,,how to remove these scratches?plz suggest
Hi Suhail,
Sorry to hear about that. Can you send us some images so we can properly assess the damages? Please send them to [email protected]
My car’s clearcoat has been peeling slowly over time. Will applying wax help to slow down this process?
Hi Peter,
Sorry to hear about that. No, waxing can’t slow down the process. You’ll have to wet sand the affected area, polish, and wax. Check out these blog posts:
Hope they help!
It is really a nice and helpful piece of information. I’m happy that you shared this useful info with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the information.