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Engine Steam Cleaning Cost: Is It Worth It?

Engine Steam Cleaning Cost: Is It Worth It?

Engine Steam Cleaning Cost: Is It Worth It?

Engine steam cleaningย  is a much misunderstood subject among vehicle enthusiasts. The common understanding is that it is an expensive and a potentially harmful process that should be given a wide berth . However, in the face of engine steam cleaning cost, many people tend to ignore the advantages of this method which outshine other cheap cleaning techniques. Here is DetailXPert’s professional opinion on engine steam cleaning.
Engine steam cleaningย  is a much misunderstood subject among vehicle enthusiasts. The common understanding is that it is an expensive and a potentially harmful process that should be given a wide berth . However, in the face of engine steam cleaning cost, many people tend to ignore the advantages of this method which outshine other cheap cleaning techniques. Here is DetailXPert’s professional opinion on engine steam cleaning.

Engine steam cleaningย  is a much misunderstood subject among vehicle enthusiasts. The common understanding is that it is an expensive and a potentially harmful process that should be given a wide berth . However, in the face of engine steam cleaning cost, many people tend to ignore the advantages of this method which outshine other cheap cleaning techniques. Here is DetailXPert’s professional opinion on engine steam cleaning.

Engine Steam Cleaning Cost

Professional detailers price engine steam cleaning depending on a variety of factors: the size of the engine, its current state (if you haven’t cleaned the engine in a few years, chances are they will have to put in extra work that will incur an extra charge), and how old your vehicle is (steam cleaning antique vehicle engines is more expensive). On average, the engine steam cleaning cost will be upwards of $100 and can go up to $400. Evidently, renting a steam cleaner or using your own equipment for a Do-It-Yourself job will cost you much less.

Why Should You Opt for Engine Steam Cleaning?

  • It can effectively remove grease, oil, and other build-up.ย Jets of steam canย efficiently dissolve the particles of any dirt and gunk that have accumulated on the engine. This is the best method when it comes toย restoring the engine to its original look, which mightย be especially advantageous if you plan to sell your vehicle.
  • It is easier to recognize oil leaks and reduce the risk of engine fires.ย Most of the time, oil leaks are difficult to detect because hoses are covered with grime and gunk.ย Pouring them with harsh chemicals is not recommended because these might damage the wires and hoses. Steam, as mentioned earlier, can remove all dirt and grime, making it easier to spot oil leaks.
  • It is environmental friendly.ย Steam cleaning does not use any caustic chemicals during the cleaning process. So there is no chance of chemical residue being left on engine parts, as in the soda blasting and hot tank engine cleaning methods; neither will you be exposed to toxic vapors. Be aware, however, because residue from the engine can not only create a mess in yourย working area; it can also pollute storm drains, water ways, etc. To prevent violatingย environmental laws, it is highly suggested that you get the process done at a professional service. They have the means to dispose waste properly.
  • It is economical in the long run.ย A method such as soda blasting is just a little cheaperย than steam cleaning, so why not opt for the more effective one?ย Steam cleaning the engine twice a yearย is sufficient to ensure that your engine is clean and functioning smoothly. while a method such as hot tanking should be done 3-4 times per year. Hence, engine steam cleaning costย is more economical in the long run.

Why Should You opt for Professional Help?

Getting professionals to steam clean your vehicle’s engine has severalย advantages. Professionals know how to handle a steam cleaner without damaging your vehicle’s engine.ย They also have the right tools, equipment and facilities to dispose of toxic residue. More importantly, you will be safe from scalds or burns.

If you need a personalized quote for steam cleaning your vehicle engine, call DetailXPerts at 877-317-9737.

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